Mira was sneaking out. Again. She looked at her watch and noted the time. 11:04 pm. By now, everyone should be asleep. She opened her window. It was only a crack, but that was just enough to create a large puddle of rainwater on the floor. She silently tiptoed down her staircase. Creak! A rustling came from the stairs. Mira glanced behind her. Only the wooden owl on the mantle, with its deep blue eyes, was watching her. "Stop being so paranoid!" she told herself. "You're thirteen years old. Three year olds are scared of the dark. Not you."

She unhooked the front door's latch and raced into the shadows of the night. Crickets chirped and the world was quiet. It was as if everything had been put on pause. The rumbling of the train speeding by the station. The chatter of the people. But not the real world, the one underneath it all.

It was something Mira had always gazed at in awe. It was like she was being pulled towards the lagoon. She knew she wasn't supposed to be outside this late, but the temptation was irresistible and Mira always gave in. This time, the pull of the lagoon felt different. It had a strange sense of urgency. She raced forward, her heart pounding with every step, and her feet pumping up and down.

When she reached the shore of the lagoon, she kicked off her shoes onto a rock and skimmed her bare feet across the still water. The impact sent ripples all throughout the lagoon.

¨ Mira. Mira.¨ A whisper echoed through the cavern.¨ We're in here. Open it. Let us out!¨ The whispers turned into cries, pleads, and desperate sobs until Mira couldn't take it. The voices had wormed their way into her mind and Mira started to frantically search for the source.

After a while, Mira discovered a crevice where a tiny black box the size of her fist was lodged between two stones. She tugged at it and it broke loose. The moment it was in her hand, the voices started up again. Only this time, it was a deafening roar. She had to open the box. The desire burned within her and only grew the more time went by. ¨Please!¨ The voices screamed. ¨Do it! Do it now!¨

Mira's hand reached out to open it and the voices stopped again. A tiny voice, gentler and softer than the others, said, ¨Don't do it! Don't give in!¨ It was too late. Mira had succumbed to the voices. She opened it a crack and a blue glow grew from it. She backed away. Screeches of victory tore out of the box and spirits, ghosts, and all of the evils of the world flooded out.

Mira felt a rough shove and was pushed into darkness. There was a slam as the box's lid closed shut and Mira's heart dropped into her stomach. The same gentle voice that had warned her returned. ¨Hello, Miracle.¨ It said. Hope was the only thing left. Hope and Miracle.

Random Stories And Other...interesting Stuff I Wrote In Elementary SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now