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Eloise Nicole

Just because of the stealthy people of the media, I had to cover myself up in order not to be caught in their lenses again. Sometimes I hate my job as there is no personal space of my own. My every move, every action, and every single word that leaves my mouth are recorded.

But still, I had to take a chance to free myself from the guilt so, I was hiding behind the lamppost, outside the XDS building, waiting for Daniel to come out. No matter what, I was going to talk to him tonight. He had been avoiding me for four days now and my patience was wearing off.

Evan didn't like the idea of me being captured in the camera at the same spot that too every day so he was insisting me not to come here anymore but I forced him to stay back home and I came here alone in a taxi.

I was cautiously looking around when suddenly a car came to halt in front of me with a loud screeching sound. Due to the sudden event, my legs involuntarily pulled me back preventing me from any mishap. For a few seconds, my body went into a state of shock. When I recovered from the shock then only I saw the face of the person who dared to stop the car close to me nearly giving me a heart attack.

"Up for food?" Daniel asked with a smirk.

"You almost killed me!" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Almost." He flashed a toothy smile. "Now, if you want to talk then get in."

He himself asked to have a conversation so without thinking twice I sat in the car beside him.

"Umm... Where are we going?" I inquired as he pulled the car into the street.

"Restaurant to dine and to talk." He replied looking straight at the road.

"I'm underdressed to go to any restaurant. Why don't we talk here, in the car?" I suggested.

He glanced at me and again flashed his dazzling smile. "According to me, to eat...clothes don't matter, the only thing matters is... the voice of your stomach which growls due to hunger."

"But you're wearing a suit." I frowned.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows; his eyes glistening with mischievousness. "Are you implying that I should remove my suit? Well, I won't mind but I think that would gain extra attention as no one must have seen a man entering a restaurant almost naked and you? Will you be able to concentrate on eating when a handsome man is sitting almost naked in front of you?"

I blushed profusely at his remark. "I didn't mean that." I looked away and shut my eyes tightly when I heard his throaty laughter.

I was satisfied that he was back to his normal self which would make apologizing a little easy for me.

He stopped the car in front of a small one-story diner which was located in a deserted area as there were not many shops or any building near it. 

"Make sure to hide your face. We don't want unwanted attention. Right?" He said looking at me. "And don't worry about the clothes." He assured me. I nodded my head in affirmation.

We both stepped out of the car and I lowered my head a little so that no one could recognize me. Instead of taking the entrance, Daniel started stepping behind the diner.

"Wait! Entrance is this side." I pointed at the front door.

"We'll enter from the back door." He stated and I frowned in confusion. "I know the owner as I come here frequently. It helps to avoid attention." He explained.

He knocked on the back door and we were greeted by a man who seemed to be in his late 20's.

"Daniel, man... welcome back!" He hugged Daniel in a friendly manner.

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