Chapter 2

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Oliver was riding his motorcycle to Star City from his and Barry's loft. Barry had run ahead to the Arrow cave. Team Flash was already at the Arrow cave. Both Team Flash and Team Arrow were ready for an explanation, as Felicity had called S.T.A.R Labs to tell them about the videos she had found. 

When Barry arrived in the basement, Felicity grinned at him. "Barry! I'm glad you came!" She laughed at her own joke.

Barry rolled his eyes, blushing. "Yeah, yeah..."

Cisco walked over to him and nudged Barry with his arm. "Come on, Barr, lighten up. You know, you gotta live while you're young."

Barry glared at him. Behind him, the elevators opened and Oliver walked out. He wrapped an arm around Barry's waist and narrowed his eyes. "How did you find out about Barry being in a Glee Club?"

Felicity's eyes lit up and she sat down in one of the chairs and began typing on one of the computers. She spun the chair around to them, "Look at this." 

Oliver walked forward and pulled Barry with him. They stood around the computer with Cisco and Caitlin. A video of boys in blue and red uniforms began. The lead started singing Glad you Came. 

"Oh my God, Barry. That's you!?" Oliver's eyebrows shot up, but he continued to stare at the video instead of looking at Barry.

Barry blushed and put a hand up to his mouth. "I was in high school and there was nothing better to do so I joined the Warblers..."

"Dalton Academy's Glee club was called the Warblers?" Cisco asked, snorting.

Barry glared at him for the second time since he got to the basement. "Yes. And we were pretty good-"

"Pretty good? You guys were amazing!" Felicity exclaimed, her eyes fixated on the video.

Barry shrugged. "If we were amazing we would've won." He leaned down and typed in New Directions 2012 Regionals.

A video of a group of high school students in black and gold outfits began. They watched as the students started singing a mashup of Fly and Believe I Can Fly.

"Okay, they're pretty good, but I still think the Warblers were amazing." Felicity said, leaning back in her chair.

Barry chuckled and put his hands in his jean pockets. Felicity stopped the video.

"Wait a minute." Caitlin said, "Was that Blaine Anderson, Rachel Berry, Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez-"

Barry snorted and covered his mouth. "Yep, yep. All of them. Blaine used to go to Dalton but he transferred the year before I came. We were... We talked a few times, and after we graduated we talked more."

Oliver raised an eyebrow at Barry but didn't say anything. 

"Interesting, interesting..." Felicity mumbled. "Do you think I could meet Santana Lopez?"

Cisco chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows at Felicity, making her blush. "I'm just a fan of hers." She grumbled.

Barry shrugged, "I dunno. I haven't talked to her in a while... Actually, I haven't talked to any of them for like, a year."

"You should get back into contact with them! They're having a reunion this year, and it's in Central City!" Caitlin said, smiling widely. 

Barry scratched the back of his neck, "Ahh, I don't know... They might not even want me there."

Cisco scoffed. "Nonsense. They'll love you, bud!"

"Fine, fine. I'll try to talk to one of them later and see." Barry gave in.

Felicity pumped her fist into the air and grinned. 

Oliver moved closer to Barry, "Well then, we'll be off."

Cisco grinned at them and waved. Barry picked Oliver up and ran back to their loft in Central. He put Oliver down in their room and fell onto their bed.

Oliver sat beside him and moved to lay down beside Barry. He wrapped an arm around Barry's waist and pulled him closer.

Barry smiled and kissed Oliver softly. Oliver chuckled as Barry cuddled closer to Oliver. "I thought you were going to try to contact your old friends?"

"I'll do it later, m' tired." Barry mumbled.

Oliver's eyes softened and he pressed a kiss to Barry's forehead. Barry's breath became more even as he drifted off into sleep. Oliver smiled and closed his eyes, falling asleep to the sound of Barry snoring softly.

wow i finally updated it lol
the next chapter might take a bit to be posted, but i will finish this!!
which Glee character do you guys want to be introduced first?

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