Without you

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hey minna sorry i haven't made a one shot in the while, im actually supposed to be making one about time travel for one of you guys and it will come but maybe when im more pumped to write, i've been a bit down and out lately so i'm going to pump out a quick sad one about Natsu being dead sorry but i hope you still enjoy it.


Natsu, you were the best of the best weren't you. Why did you have to go out of all of us. I'll miss our constant fighting every time we see each other. I know we never admitted it but we were pretty good friends weren't we. And as a friend I'll make sure to look after Lucy for you. Just like I promised before you left us. Just promise we'll see eachother again so we can figure out who is the stronger of the two of us. No doubt it's you but i'd never say that to your face would I, I guess we are just as bad as each other. Before I finish I would also like to thank you for being there in times of need. I hope to see you soon buddy,


You were such an idiot when you were here, Natsu.  You and Gray always getting into fights and Me having to break them up. You were strong and courageous though. You may find it hard to believe but I look up to you now. You are a shining rolemodel for all to look up too. You died too young and it would have been a pleasure to go on more quests with you. Just promise me where ever you are going whether it be heaven or somewhere else that you don't be stupid and ruin it for others. If you do i'll put you into place when my time comes. You got that. Thanks for being a part of our lives. Smile Natsu. I'll see you soon,


Natsu-san i'll miss you. If only I could have gotten to you in time, I could have saved you and you would still be here. They say it's not my fault and I have a feeling you would say the exact same thing. You helped me in my time of need Natsu. Back when I was still in Cait Shelter, you were my idol and you were also one of the main reasons I wanted to join Fairy Tail. Thanks from all of us for all you have done. It won't be the same here without you, you know that though don't you. Rest easy Natsu-san and don't worry about us. We'll see you soon,


Well fire breath never thought you would ever die. Mister indestructible you were, especially when the rest of us have nothing left to fight with you always found a way to keep going. We fought a bit didn't we? I kind of regret all those times. Even though we were once enemies we became close friends in the end and if I could I would have tried to help and save you, I think we all would've. It's a bit late now but i'd like to say your a pretty cool kid. Have fun where you are and make sure that your noticed eh? Cause some major destruction. Thanks Dragneel and See ya later,


NATSUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Why did you leave? I don't want you to leave. I don't want anyone to leave. You, me and Lushe are all a team and we aren't a team without you. You are my bestest frien Natsuuuu what am I meant to do without you. You have to come back because you never lose. You never die. You never break a promise and remember when you promised me you would always be here? So come back please Natsuuu. I'm going to miss you. PLease just keep this promise Natsuuu, I'll see you again. You have to promise that i'll see you again because as much as it hurts to live in a world without you it hurts even more that I may never see you again. So I'll see you again soon, right Natsu?


A few years ago I was in Hargeon Town looking for some keys for my collection when I stumbled upon a fraud that put me under a love spell. You being the dense idiot that you were made your way through the crowd hoping to find a dragon but instead were disappointed with what was in front of you as well as breaking the spell put on me. Out of all the girls in the crowd, the spell only broke for me. I don't know if you knew but only your true love can break that sort of spell. I didn't even think about that at first but I was surely grateful. After that we ate together, you saved me again and you helped me get into Fairy Tail. It was the greatest day of my life. Little did I know there were more great days to come.

We went to mount hakobe together to save Macao and you put up with me even though I was being a total wimp. We searched for the daybreak book together and kept your patience, sort of, even though I desperately wanted to read the book before destroying it. After that we investigated lullaby and a dark guild and got trapped at a train station, there you almost killed yourself trying to make sure no one got hurt. Next we end up taking Gray and Erza onto Galuna island with us to defeat Deliora where you heroically helped out Gray and his past. When we arrived back from Galuna the guild was practically torn to pieces. You saved me when I fell from the tower after being captured and no matter how much I tried to convince you that was all my fault you didn't care and were willing to fight to protect me. I then saved Loke and we got to go to that water park where we got attacked by Erza's old friends. You fought till Jellal was surely defeated to save Erza and save the rest of Fiore. After that Laxus turned rogue, while us girls were stone statues you fought to save the guild and return us girls back to normal. Even in bandages you still participated in the parade. Our journey was far from over then when we had to face Oracion Seis and save Cait Shelter. They way you wanted to help Wendy and fought for her was so great. Do you remember when Gray went weird and we had to go save him from that Daphne chick. Then when I got sick and couldn't come to see the Sakura Trees with you and happy.So you dug up the tree and sent it down the river near my house. I'll never forget that day, it was so sweet of you. Then when we got stuck in Edolas and you, wendy and gajeel fought to save all of our counter parts.When everything had settled there was the S-class exams on Tenrou island but of course that wasn't easy was it. I was a bit upset at first when you didn't pick me as your partner but in the end I went with Cana and helped her which was just as great. Then there was the seven year sleep and me getting kidnapped by the Oracion Seis reborn. When I got shot out of the clock you were there to save me yet again. The participating in the GMG to get our rank up again. I lost both of my matches and got kidnapped but you were still there for me and fought for me. Then when future me saved me and how you and happy acted towards it broke my heart. If I had been hit maybe you would still be a live today because the events would have been different. You were so so great when my celestial spirits went weird and never stopped fighting for me. Then helping with the sunvillage and fighting against Tartaros. All you ever did was fight for everyone else, not caring if it meant death just as long as the rest of us were safe.

I never admitted it but you were and are the love of my life. I regret not saying anything sooner. You are the main thing that kept me going through all the pain and hardship. I don't even know if you have feelings for me. I wish it would have been me who died because it's more painful living without you then it is dying. I want you to come back. I want to see you smile again. I want to hear your voice. I want to feel the warmth of your fire. I want you. Natsu I love you and it's going to be too hard to live without you. I will stay strong though and live on for your sake. I will see you again one day, won't I?I'll make sure of it. Again, I love you Natsu and I never plan to forget you. Bye Natsu. Hopefully i'll see you soon,


Nalu one shots by Shiro_YukiWhere stories live. Discover now