𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻

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Sorry for the long wait but I'm back🤪😘

Sorry for the long wait but I'm back🤪😘

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I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. I was in so much pain and my womanhood
was on fire. "Oh my fuck!" I whimpered.
"Oh shit Tay Tay are you ok?!" Mir asked frantically. I whimpered. "Mir It hurts what happened?" I was basically crying the pain was so bad. "Imma get the doctor for you like baby." Kentrell said walking out. "Mir why am I here." I asked sniffling a bit.
"Uh Michael and his boys rapped you at the party. You were bleeding." He spoke lowly

After he said that I immediately broke into tears all the memories flooding back and I couldn't help but pour my eyes out. This was all my fault if I would've stayed home and not work that outfit I wouldn't be in this situation. "Tay, Tay no stop it's not your fault." Ken spoke softly as he walked in with the doctor.


After Kentrell comforted me and the doctor left I was just laying there stuck. I was ready to go home but the doctor had to run some test. "Tay your gonna come to my house once you leave here ya hea' me." Kentrell spoke in a serious tone. I just nodded my head. Damn I got school Monday and I just went through this. I was then broken from my thoughts when the doctor walked in looking at his clipboard.
"Ok so Mr.McIntrye you have some tears on your vaginal walls that need to be closed and we've also arrested the one's responsible for this. So we gonna prescribe you some medicine and close up the tears ok?" Dr.Higgims asked. "Ok!" I spoke.
"Ok one last question how you feeling? Any pain?" He asked. "Yes actually ever since woke up my vagina has felt like it's on fire."
I spoke honestly. "Ok that's just because of the tears anything else?" He asked.
"No, thanks doc." I spoke. He nodded and walked out. Can't wait to get out of here.


Kentrell was helping me into his car cause I was finally leaving the hospital. I sat slowly trying not to rip any stitches.
"You ok lil baby?" He asked as I schruched up my face in discomfort. "I'm good Ken." I whimpered. He shook his head. "Lil baby you gotta tell me what's wrong." He spoke concerned. I shifted on the seat a little causing me to moan out in pain. "Li' baby wtf is you doing!?" Kentrell basically yelled. "I wasn't comfortable. I have stitches in my pussy to damn!" I semi yelled. "Chill out fo I beat Cho ass." Ken gritted. He started up the car and drove off.
"I'm fucking hungry you gonna feed me?"
I asked with hella attitude. He looked at me for 2 seconds then turned back to the road. "Yea I am but I shouldn't the way ya acting righ' na." He spoke calmly. He turned back to the road heading to chick-fil-a.


We finally made it back to my house

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We finally made it back to my house. Don't get me wrong I love my li' baby but damn he mean asf. I got out the car walking over to his side to help him get out the car.
"No Trell move I got it damn!" He demanded. So I moved out the way but was still close enough to support him. He slowly lifted up off the seat wincing in pain before sitting back down. He looked at me then started to cry. "Trell I can't help me I'm sorry." He whimpered.  "Shh don't worry lil baby I got chu." I spoke as I carefully picked him up out his seat carrying him in the house.
"Ouu Trell this nice!" He spoke enthusiastically.  "Thanks Imma go get cho stuff out da car." I told him as I gently sat him on the couch before walking back out to the car.


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I started to dose off as I layed in Ken's  bed. This shit is so comfortable. I was only in a spaghetti strap crop top with no bra and my black laced panties.
"Where you clothes baby?" Trell asked as he walked in the room.
"Bitch I got clothes on and I'm not cho baby." I spoke half sleep.
"Yea ight Tay." He brushed me off.
I just hummed in response and laid on my stomach pushing the cover off of me. I could feel Kentrells eyes burn a hole into my body as I tried to sleep.
"Damn stop staring so hard." I spoke tiredly. "Shii how can I not?" He questions. "Just stop so I can sleep and its hot." I spoke lowly. "Ight I gotchu li baby." He told me before leaving the room.

Thanks for being so patient with me Ik I'm not that good of a writer but if you guys enjoy it then that's the only thing that matter and feel free to give me some ideas y'all my readers and I'd do anything to make sure you guys are satisfied.

Anyways hope y'all enjoyed this even if it was short laters 😘🥰

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