Ch.8 Momma's House

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There is Antony, Tasha, and Mitch's mom.

After everybody ate, my almost attempt to not kill the damn waitress was trying for trying to take my girl, but we ate now it was over everybody was headed back to the store, except for Kenya who had to go back to work herself.

"Momma wanted us to come to her house after work, she said it was important that everybody come. " Antony said as we drove in his truck, I nodded my head, for some reason I didn't feel like talking all I wanted to do was talk to Kenya and possibly go to sleep if I could.

"I know." Was all I said I continued to look out the window. Jordan was sitting next to me she tapped me on my shoulder when saw I was looking at her she pointed to her phone. I got my phone out and saw that she had text me, I look back up at her giving her the 'really' look. She rolled her eyes.

"Just reply back nigga damn." She said getting impatient with me just that quick. I raised my hands in a surrendering motion. Then grabbed my phone out and read her message.


Jojo: What's the matter bf (best friend)

Me: Nothing

Jojo: Whatever Mitch I'll figure it sooner or later you might as well tell me.


Me: fuck I'll tell you later maybe.

I looked over at Jordan who was shaking her head at me, Lena who was in the front, I don't know who told her big forhead ass she could get in the front.

"What y'all back here texting about without my knowledge." She said, Jordan and me both check to see if her son was sleep. He was sleep so I smile at Lena innocently and then looked at Jordan she was silent.

"I'm going to make you some Lipton tea when we get to the store." I said nodding my head like it was not option because it wasn't one.

"Why?" Lena said looking as confused as could be. By this time we are the store and Antony had graciously gotten out the car.

"Cause it's none of yo goddamn business... That's why, " Jordan said smiling just as innocent as me, but then we both busted out laughing as she got out the car and grabbed went her son's car sit the slam the door with her foot, she mad or what.

"I think we made her mad." Jordan spoke after we stopped laughing and got out of the car.

"No you don't say please tell me more." I said sarcasm hit my voice, and Jordan pushed me so I push her back then we started a pushing match outside the store, but got interrupt when someone cleared their throat so we stopped and Jordan face dropped like she saw a ghost. I turned around an saw why there stood Ja'Zell I almost lost it, and went to go chock the bitch again, but Jordan grabbed my arm; pulled me back.

"What are you doing here Gazelle?" Jordan asked purposely messing Ja'Zell's name who look annoyed by it but she wasn't going to do or say anything to correct Jordan, I knew, Jordan knew it, hell the whole world knew. Only person who can correct her and get away with it fully was me and anybody who was close to her. But I damn sure wasn't gonna correct her.

"I came here to talk to you Mitch." Ja'Zell said looking at me, and I laugh dead in her face she just didn't understand I might get booked in jail for killing her, her presence was all ready irking me and my soul.

"Nah, you good Juicey Juice." Jordan spoke again messing I tried so hard to laugh, but couldn't help. But stopped, and playfully glared at Jordan she didn't let up, Ja'Zell on the other hand no one care she unimportant.

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