chapter 11:God save me 2

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Me :hi,(I enter the pool)
Amy :what's wrong?
Me : its Noah and ..
Everyone :Jace!(as they laugh)
Amy :what happened now?
Me :( I explain the part from when I found the arguing till when Jace kissed me)
Kim and Amy start laughing.
Me:what's wring ,I ask them confusedly
Mia:they are mental(as she rolls her eyes at them and lance also starts laughing)
Me:yeah(as i roll my eyes at them)
Lance:I thought you said you will never fall in love (laughing)
Mia:I remember the time she  into the room after Kim broke up with Kevin and sung"sucking to hard on lollipop ohh loves gone get you down"(as they all sung along)
Me:Guys foreal!
Kim:(laughing) Do you love Noah?
Me:I don't know.... I just...I guess.
Mia: Do you love Jace?
Me:what do you mean by love?
Lance:Do you feel like you want to be with him forever?
Mia:Does he make you happy?
Me:always even thou he behaves all secretive with me.
Kim:Does he get you all horny ?
Me:ewww(as I make a gaging face)why would you ask that?
Kim:come on we are talking about the hottest vampire  among all of them and one supper good singer .
Amy:But he is fine
Me:crazy children, what of Noah?(I say like a mother scolding her kids)
Lance:he is on of the hot wolves.
Mia:yah that chest,I would lick it all day(she says probably imaging  Noah is chest)
Amy :I am sure Noah is dick is smaller than Jaces.
Kim:it most be huge(and I laugh at the comments)
Me:how do you know?(laughing)
Amy: the size of his jeans,dah!
Me:wow guys(laughing,as I play with the water in the pool).
Lance:wolves have bigger dicks .
Mia:Amen girl(as she raises her hand like she is accepting blessings from a priest )
Me:why are we talking bout dicks?::why the fuck did you
5 minutes later:
Me:(I was laughing at Kim doing impression of Rose when I see Jace walk up to us)
Jace:evening ladies (as he gives them his charming smirk  and they smile back  at him in girly way)
Jace:hmm can I talk to you?(he says at met and I stare at him while he helps me out of the pool. I stand by the pool waiting for him to talk but he doesn't instead he drags me to his room and closes the door behind us.
Me:what?(I say rudely ,he finally looks at me after a few minutes)
Jace:ummm... Look about what happened,I'm sorry.
Me:wow really(I chuckle and turn around to walk away but he grabs my hand and turns me around and now am facing him)
Jace:what ?(he asks  a little confused at my reaction)
Me:can I ask you a question?
Me :why the fuck did you kiss me  if you were going to fucking regret it?
Jace: I don't regret ,I'm scared I will  lose or hurt you?
Me:How will you hurt me?(his would he hurt me or even lose me. But before he could answer lance banged on the door)
Lance: Everyone get down here!
Jace:let's go
Instead of respond he walks out on and goes down stairs. I follow him and I find everyone is already there and they are seated . I take sit on the couch and wait for lance to say something.
Kim's pov :
I take a seated next to Logan even though I'm still mad at him. A. He refused to turn me  into wolf and B. He didn't try to explain why or make it up to me. I glare at him as he tries  to move closer to me and he stops. I roll my eyes and he puts his hand on mine and I remove his hand and I go and sit next to Mia.
Lance:Someone sent us a video.
Ryan:How I thought that was impossible cause no one knows this address.
Lance:I don't know but it appeared in the gmail.
She opens the laptop and plays a video . when I  look up at the screen ,tears start to form in my eyes.
I stare at the screen where my elder brother ,Lances sister and Jace is family are tied to plastic shares and they have gags on .The video cuts and a man in appears on the scream and a deep and scary voice says "give me what I want and they walk free" the video ends and Jace curses.
Logan:what do they want?
Mia hugs me as  I break into tears.Lance runs out of the room crying and liam follows her.
Noah:what does he want?
Jace looks away and Ella stares at like she was reading his mind.
Ella:Jace do you know what they want?(he nods and looks at us while he rubs his eyebrows ,I'm still crying and Logan is now next to me rubbing my back)
Noah:what the fuck!you knew about this and you didn't fucking say!
    Noah gets up and starts walking towards Jace but is stopped in his tracks when mason and liam block him. Noahs  eyes turn yellow and he starts growling.
Noah: I told you it was useless to team up with these pathetic vampires .They only care about themselves.
When liam and masons eyes turn a dark shade of red and they starts growling back at Noah ,Logan and Ryan superspeed  near Noah in a protective way. Its like they were having a stare down.
Amy:this is not the time

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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