Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Go tell that long tongued liar. Go and tell that midnight rider. Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter, tell 'em that Gods gonna cut 'em down."  Johnny Cash 'Gods gonna cut ya down'

Jonah sat in the darkness of the cabin, his legs stretched out on the sofa and his hands behind his head. He had a clear view of the door from here and he was waiting on it to swing open.

Joe was lounging at the table, munching on a biscuit she had gotten from her saddlebags earlier in the day. Jonah knew that while she looked relaxed and at ease, she would be ready to fight in an instant if the need arose.

Jonah’s blood was pumping hard as he listened to Scarlett and Harmon speaking outside. His anger grew with every laugh he heard escape that whores mouth.

The door creaked open but Jonah knew that sitting in the dark, Harmon and Scarlett would not see he and Joe.

The sound of a match being struck and then the illumination of the tiny flame filled the cabin and Jonah was able to make out Scarlett, her painted lips teasing the skin of Harmon’s neck as the man lit a lamp beside the door.

Jonah smiled when Harmon’s eyes fell on him and the man made a choking sound as he shoved Scarlett away.

“Hello there, you two. Long time no see. You’re both looking well.” Jonah stated as he sat up on the sofa.

Scarlett gasped and covered her chest with her hand as she turned and her gaze met Jonah’s.

Jonah looked into those big brown eyes and all but snarled as he stood.

“What are you doing in our home?!” Harmon demanded and Jonah saw his hand edge closer to the rifle that had been leaning against the wall.

“I wouldn’t grab that shooter, friend.” Jonah warned with a tiny shake of his head. “I can promise you right now that you won’t have time to fire off a shot before you and your wife are both lying dead.”

Jonah saw Scarlett swallow hard and tears filled her eyes even as Harmon dropped his hand away from the rifle.

“Jonah, I thought you were dead.” Scarlett whispered.

“I think what you mean is that you hoped I was dead.” Jonah countered with a snort. “It didn’t go your way this time, darlin’. You have your own little wanted poster now.”

“She does?” Harmon snapped. Jonah nodded.

“Not just her. You do too.” Jonah reached in his pocket and pulled them out before handing them to Harmon. As Harmon was reading them, Joe cleared her throat from the table, causing Scarlett to jump and turn in her direction.

“You!” Scarlett snarled.

“Well a nice how do you do to you too.” Joe said with a smile. “Ain’t ya gonna bat them purty lashes fer me?”

“Who the hell is that?” Harmon demanded of his wife and Scarlett glared at Joe.

“The reason that bastard is still alive.” she spat. “Joe must have saved him.”

Jonah crossed his arms over his chest as Joe walked over to stand beside him.

“Yep, I did. Me, Bart and Reb. You didn’t think we’d just let y’all set our friend up and then carry on with yer lives did ya?” Joe asked.

“Now we’re taking you both to the authorities so you can pay for your crimes.” Jonah informed them as he grabbed a length of rope from the small table beside the sofa.

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