Sebastian x Reader (LEMON)

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Yay my first Black Butler Lemon defs won't be the last hope ya like it 🥰

(Y/N)'s POV

Being apart of the Phantomhive manor as a maid makes me wonder what could have happened if I declined this offer before. I'd still homeless for sure. The master took a liking towards me and asked if I would become his maid. Sebastian his butler is one sly man. Though he had not once talked to me once only smile at me which I didn't mind. I'm more of a quiet, antisocial loner that keeps to herself. But other then that I'm internally grateful for being able to be off the cold streets away from drunk men.

I do things without being asked I just do me and clean whichever looks less eye catching and eat alone. I normally clean all the rooms and along with the chandelier and other times I help Sebastian or the other three servants and tanaka that cute little old man with the morning routines such as cooking, laundry and etc.

Today Young master had specifically given me the day off which was quite strange but all I said was thank you with a bow. Maybe they were watching me while I was on my own through the house doing my part. Though not going lie but I do feel like I was totally being watched and my guest would 'totally' be Finny. Jokes aside but it's kinda been like this since I've been here though I pretend I don't see it.

As well as me the other three gotten a day off doing something they do on their free time. But me on the other hand was introverted so here I was hibernating in the library dressed comfy, all cozy with a blanket and tea as I read on the comfy sofa. (s,o,m,l)

This was probably my third book I've finished. I sighed getting up and finding another book that'll keep me busy and happy. Books are one thing that'll save my bored self. They make me feel like I'm in another world away from my reality. (Fucking same).

I continued to scan the books and see one up the top and used the ladder to climb up and grab it. I climbed back down but when I made it to the ground I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand when the sound of someone breathing out sending the air to the back of my neck.

"Why hello my lady"I hear a deep voice go behind me making me jump and turn to see the one and only Sebastian.

"Umm hi"I say confused he just smirked as I just decided to just walk around him back to my seat. "What are you doing?"

"Hmm nothing was gonna come in here to clean but didn't know you'd be in here"Sebastian said walking around the sofa going to the other side to clean whatever. "Master was wondering where'd you go too"

"There's no point in wondering when you know where I am all the time"I say with a hand on my hip while the other holding the book, while arching my eyebrow as a smirk formed on my face. He turned with a grin as I sit down with my leg crossed over.

"How long have you known (Y/n)?"Sebastian ask walking towards me as I flipped a page.

"Since the third day I was here"I say as he kneeled down where my legs hang. His hand rest on my knee sliding his hand up.

"I couldn't help it your beauty was something I couldn't bring myself to talk to you"He says leaning his body over to me so his face was close to mine as I pull the book down.

"Beauty? Tsk don't make me laugh"I scoffed sitting up leaning closer to him only to reach over and grab my tea and sit back sipping. "All I ever did was keep to myself"

"You know that's what makes people interested when they see a mysterious woman or man when they're by themselves"Sebastian said taking my tea from my hands and set it back on the coffee table. "I'm sure you've had a lot of fun?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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