chapter 2 ♥

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*a few months after senior day

"Hey , did u sent jisung a gift today ?" Hyunjin ask me

"N-no" i answer , try not to cry bcs i just saw jisung with his girlfriend , yes he has girlfriend i know it because at Notice Board , im the one who should own by him ! Not her !

"Minho..i know u cant moveon from that thing.."-hyunjin

"Aishh..u have Seungmin , just leave me alone.."-i said

*jisung pov

"Aishhh..why are u so cute eh minaaa ??" I ask my girlfriend playfully

"Im cute cuz u cute..!"


"Hey , jisung" felix scolded me

"Yes ?"

"Did u remember a junior that always give u a gift everyday ?" Felix ask

"Ofc , i remember"

"His friend said..he wanna meet u , only u.."felix inform me , while me just nodded

*skip to minsung

"Yes , minho , why u called me ?" I ask minho

"Hyung , did u know that i love u ?!"minho ask me straight

"Minho..i hav---"my word get cut by minho

"Did u know how long im dying and praying for u to love me ?!?!"minho yell

"Minho , listen---"again get cut by minho

"No..i dont want..i want u to break up with her , and love me please.." minho eyes now watery..

"Minho ! Its not easy like u think !! I cant forced myself to love u ! u need to think that !!"i reply as fast as i can , so he cant cut my word again

"Fine..if u need anything after break up with her..find me while lunch at rooftop..bye" and that minho left

"Aigoo..this is why i hate being in senior life..people will forced me to breakup with someone i love..didnt they think what she and me feel..hmmp !"i thought in myself

*skip till recess

"Ummm..sungie can we breakup ?" Mina ask me

"B-but why ?!?!"i almost yell at her

"u know minho ? He said if i dont break up with u..he will kill me.." mina explain

"Dont believe his word till heart.."

"But please..anyway..i cheat on u like 5 times.." mina told me again

"Whatever"i said and run to rooftop

*end jisung pov , minho pov

"Oh..why u here ?" I ask jisung

"Why u thereatened my gf ?!?"jisung ask

"She doenst love u pabo.."i answer

"She love me ! , bcs of u she hate me" jisung shout at me

"Jisung , date me please ?"i ask

"Fine !"


*skip now its been a week since minho force jisung to be his boyfriend
*jisung's pov

" tired of minho !!"me yell at my classroom

"Why dont u just tell him , u tired of him ?"felix ask me..

"Its hard ya'know.."

*minho pov

"Hi minho.."hyunjin approach me

"Hiii.."i answer him excited

"Why u r so excited today ?"hyunjin ask

"Jisung and i will go date todayyy.."

"Really..?!?!wow.." hyunjin , amazed

*skip , end sch , at jisung's class

"Hey jisung..lets go !" Itry to pull jisung's hand

"Go where ?"

"Date ?"

"Sorry busy..lets date other time okay ?" He said , annoyed

"Is he annoyed with me ?"minho thought

*meanwhile jisung thought(+pov)

"Gosh..i hope u gone tomorrow till forever.." i rolled my eyes..

*minho pov , at home

"Eomma , i want to transfer school and country okay.."i told my mum


*skip ! After 2 weeks minho left korea
*jisung pov

"Yahh , felix have u seem minho ?" I ask felix

"Eh..i thought u know..since i want to ask the same question.."felix said

"Let just ask hyunjin"i said


*at hyunjin's a.k.a minho classes

"Hyunjin , have u seen minho ?"felix ask

"He didnt tell u both ?"hyunjin ask


"He left korea 2 weeks ago.."hyunjin explain

"What..why he didn't tell me..?" I said

"Minho said he have call u before he left but u hangup his call"hyunjin said again

"Owh..thts a thing u want to tell"

hey..i upload this and hope u enjoy ! And
thank you for reading this book tho..cause i love to read ur book (ಥ_ಥ)u r my fav author gosh..okay..

Sorry for my bad english grammar..english is my second language since im from malaysia..uwu

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