Before the lake (9)

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Warning ⚠️
(As the chapter goes on her mood shifts to a darker, self hating side, if you get triggered with these things I suggest you not read the last parts)

(still) Day five

I walk into my hotel room and change into a comfortable pair of PJs before sitting down on the bed, with my laptop and a Harry Potter book.

I open my laptop and see that Dad is online, I facetime him right away. He answers on the second ring.

"Hi, dad!" I say and he shifts on his chair adjusting his glasses.

"Eleanor! I was waiting for your call," he says and I start to tell him about my day in short.

It was one of dad's rules, to either call or facetime him or Mom every day.

After a few minutes when Dad makes sure that I'm fine, we hang up.

I start googling places to see where should I go next or even tomorrow.

After writing down some of it, I put aside my laptop and begin reading Harry Potter, it's been years since the last time I read the whole series.

I'm lost in the world of wizarding when my phone's alarm goes off, signaling it's nine, time for dinner.

I hit the snooze button and climb off my bed and change into a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt with a purple jacket- if I decide to go out for a walk.

I put my phone, headphones, and wallet in my bag pack before sliding it on my shoulder. I glance at my reflection in the mirror while putting on my watch, my hair is a mess but combing it would just make it worse. I push back my glasses, the dark circles under my eyes have subdued but it's still there.

I walk out of my room and slip my keycard into the pocket of my bag pack.

The elevator is already on my floor when I reach it. With a smile, I walk into it and press the first-floor button, the floor for restaurants. I lean back into the cold metallic wall of the elevator and my mind wanders off to how ridiculous this decision must look like. I start tapping my foot, the old lady who got in a few seconds before gives me an odd glance but I can't stop myself.

I'm in Geneva! I'm supposed to have fun, try different and new things... but instead, I'm falling into another loop.

The elevator stops on the first floor and I walk out but stand in the middle of the hallway.

I'm an adult!

With a deep breath, shaky as it might be, not allowing it to affect my determination, I make my way to the stairs and walk down.

I head out of the building, ignoring my steadily rising heartbeat and sweaty palms and the voices that keep screaming in my head that this a bad idea.

I focus on other things as I walk further away from the hotel, the structure of the road and the houses, the balconies that have various types of plants hanging from their rails.

I had read in books, saw its pictures that architecture of here is completely different from States, but it feels nice being able to see it for myself, with my own eyes.

I feel alive, or as alive as I can be.

Eventually, the nervousness melts away. The light breeze ruffles my hair as my hands are in my jeans pockets, strolling the streets. I allow myself to imagine that I'm a normal girl, living a normal life, and enjoying my own company.

Life isn't some fantasy or sci-fi story that abnormal would mean different appearances or strengths, in daily basis life, it just means the incapability of fitting in, not belonging to a place... and it's not a good thing.

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