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"Vee, what did you do to Mark last night?" Yihwa asked on the other line, her call interrupted Vee's sleep. Base on her tone, she seems so worried making Vee to smile a little as he caress Mark's cheeks who were in a deep sleep.

"Why? You called for that?" Vee acted as if annoyed and Yihwa sighed even more.

"Of course, Mark is my junior and I am afraid you did something to him!" Vee hummed in response but that just made Yihwa to be irritated.

"You should see Dew's post." Yihwa's last message before ending the call, Vee then put his phone to his bedside table as he stared at the nong snoring softly on his side, he then kisses the nong's cheeks before hugging him again and close his eyes to sleep again.

"Mark! Mark! Mark! Mark! Mark!" Team keep on knocking at his friend's door but again, failed to notice his friend. He sighed as he leaned on the door, Win then skew his mouth as he looked at the nong who looks so problematic and worrying about his friend.

"What if he isn't inside." Win finally spoke. Team frowned not looking at the senior as he scratches his head.

"James said that Mark didn't came back and -- uh! Your friend!" Team turned to Win as he clap his hands as if he is the smartest person in the whole world. Win look at him weirdly.

"Let's go to your handsome friend!" The nong grab the senior's hand as he headed to the stairs but stopped as he feel like Win isn't willing.

"Why are you making that face? Are you not willing to help me find my friend?" Team narrowed his eyes as he skew his mouth and let go of Win's hand.

"Of course, I am!" The senior replied. Team didn't move as he crossed his arms.

"Then why are you making a gloomy face?" The sulking nong said with a furrowed brows. Win narrowed his eyes as he clicked his tongue.

"I should be the one sulking..." As soon as Team heard it, he madly look at the senior thinking what he did or said that made the blonde to said those.

"And why it should be you?" Team barked making Win to look at Team and quickly snaked his arm around the nong's shoulder. Team sighed as he look at the senior.

"Everyone seems to be so handsome in your eyes and yet you haven't said that I am as well..." Win said with a soft tone of voice, Team smack the senior's head as he pinches his cheeks.

"Of course, a dog should be called cute." Team teased and smile widely.  Win just nods unwillingly as he peak a kiss on the nong's cheeks before dragging him to the stairs.

"Damn hia!"

Dew Daily
8 hours ago

"Oh my! Oh my! Last night in a pub everyone is surprised witnessing our prettiest star, Ploy and our nong Mark kissing and what's more! Vee were just on the other table and saw it all! Really so interesting! But our former moon dragged Mark and no one doesn't even have any single idea what happened to them even their friends as they didn't came back to the pub last night, oh I am so eager to know what happened after. But you know, it seems like Vee is really into Ploy seeing his reaction in the video and yeah, if I were in his position I will be mad as well but aren't they in that kind of relationship ?"

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Mark didn't look at Vee after watching the video, all he did is to finish his food so he could go back to his room after. Vee who just finished showering sat besides Mark, he tap his head, he then took the towel around his neck as he put it to dry Mark's hair after knowing that it is still wet.

"Are you feeling better now?" Asked Vee. Mark just hummed as finished eating and didn't move letting Vee to dry his hair.

"Can you not go back to your room?" The senior asked making Mark to look at him, if it is just Mark, he won't really want to go back to his room but seems like James and the others would visit him later and try to gossip making him to worry if his friends would find that he isn't on his room, what would they say after? They might think of something that will lead to misunderstanding.

"What if James..."

"James again, you barely call my name yet you can say his over and over." Vee's voice seems to be sad he stop wiping the nong's hair for a moment. Mark sighed as he leaned.

"He's my friend and my bestfriend, well, Wind and Team as well, wait-- why are you being like that?" Mark asked being confuse made Vee to wiggle his brows before he smile widely, if Mark said a friend it will just be a friend and he already meet James many times and base on how they cared for each other, it's just brotherly love.

"Mark, I like you so much even if you don't feel the same way yet," Mark's cheeks once again flushed as he heard it from the senior, the senior is being shameless again and it is not good for his heart.

"Why do you even like me?" Asked Mark turning away, the senior then leaned his back as he skew his mouth, his fingers were playing the nong's ear.

"Because Mark made me." Mark crumpled his face after hearing it, Vee just chuckle but was confused as he heard a knock. He then drag himself to the door and annoyingly opened it and to his surprise..

"Hello, do you know where my friend is?" Asked Team who were smiling wide, Win is on his side being possessive again making Vee to roll his eyes.

"I don't k-- aww! Fuck Win!" Vee hissed as he was by the door when he was about to lie but Win pushed the door with force that made his forehead to got hit. Win just wear is expressionless yet teasing look as he invited himself and Team not even waiting for the owner, Team's jaw almost drop seeing Mark inside and what's more surprising is that, there are...

"hickeys?" Asked Team pointing on Mark's neck.

"Your version of mosquito bites." Win whispered making Team to push the senior away and quickly went over to Mark who seems to be embarrassed.

"So is that.." Team asked slowly, Mark looked at him blankly wanting to smack his head that badly for still asking when it's already obvious.

"These are dog bites, happy?" Mark sarcastically answered. Team nods as he examine his friend then look at Vee who were standing with Win then to Win the back to Mark and repeat.

"Do you want to say something?" Asked Vee being annoyed by their presence. Win then sat on the empty seat comfortably watching Team and Mark bicker at each other.

"Don't you have any snacks here P'?" Team asked and was smack by Mark, the latter pouted as he look at Mark frowning.

"You came here for that? You are unbelievable!" Mark said and Team frowned even more.

"I came here to ask him if he knows where are you then found you here so what am I supposed to do than ask for snacks? Oi, I am so tired knocking on your door and walking up and down on the stairs, how can you be so heartless! That's why you got bitten by a dog!" Team mumbled as he make face, Mark then looked at him blankly before he pushed him away as Mark stoof up and cleaned the table and get his plates to put it on the sink.

Days passed, Vee and Mark ageeed to meet secretly due to current talk and eyes that were spying them. Today, Vee decided to talk to his friends and tell them about him and Mark and his plan on telling everyone that he doesn't like Ploy anymore. His friends were gathered in their table as they were confused on what Vee is going to announce.

"I even told Praram to wait for me a little bit just to hear for your words, now tell us, what is it?" North said as he faced the phone and put it down on the table looking at his friend.

"I am so confuse do what is it?" Kla asked as well. Vee smiled brightly as if he is going to replace the sun who seems to be shining brightly today.

"I don't like Ploy anymore and," Vee paused as he observe his friends' reaction, their reacion were priceless and Vee just sighed as he put his hands on the table.

"You like someone else?" Yihwa interrupted, a smile formed to the former moon's lips again as he nods.

"Who is the unlucky girl?" Pond joked and Kla suspiciously look at Vee.

"It's not a girl," again, everyone were surprised and Kla swallowed his own lump as he look at Vee.

"Don't tell me it's N'Mark?" Kla finally spoken and Vee look at him so as the rest.

"I- I just happen to see the sparkle in your eyes when you are facing Mark and on top of that, the last time you were holding his hand and, you were staring at him the whole time." North dropped his phone as he heard it from Kla, Yihwa who is retouching paused as she doesn't have any clue.

"Am I too obvious, Ai'Kla?" Vee asked scratching the back of his head, Kla just shrug.

"They might not suspect because whenever Ploy and Mark were together they would just think that you're jealous because you like Ploy, when in fact you like the kid." Yihwa said as she concluded and smiled widely but frown after as she pointed Vee.

"Are you serious? Because Mark is so precious," Yihwa said and Pond on the rescue to clam Yihwa. North nods as he look at Vee.

"I am, really am!" Vee swear as he raised his hand as if promising.

"Then, how about the people's comments?" Asked Pond.

"I was born without them commenting so I'm going to pursue my feelings not thinking about their comments," Vee stated and smiled again.

"But I am also ready to tell everyone that I don't like Ploy anymore." Vee added as he wiggle his brows and smirk.

"What can we do aside from helping and supporting you?" North said.

"Then, are you the culprit behind Mark's red mark on his neck?" North asked again and by that, Yihwa can't help but to smack Vee when the latter blushed and smile shyly.





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