I'm Clare Brighton

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For CDRH my beloved sister of a cousin who is an addicted Darrenatic.


(Clare's POV):

*Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Beep-*

I clicked the snooze button as I sat up my bed groggily. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to pick up my alarm clock to check the time.

My eyes widen!

"What?! It's 7:00am?!!" I shrieked out of surprise.

"Why would I set up an alarm clock at 7:00am?! And on a Saturday?! Why?!!" I thought maybe a little too out loud.

Wait! I didn't set up my alarm clock last night! So who did?

"Clare are you awake already?!!" I heard a familiar voice shout from what I think could be the kitchen.

Of course! Alice must had set my alarm clock last night while I was asleep! Why didn't I thought of that earlier?

"Clare?!!!" I heard her shout again.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm awake!" I groggily shouted back to her as I jumped out of bed.

"Then come downstairs! Breakfast was ready ages ago!" She shouted back to me a bit calmer and a bit more teasingly than the last time.

I quickly took my brush which was always beside my bed on the bedside drawer and brushed my hair to hide my bad case of bed hair, then I went out my bedroom door.

"There you are! Your breakfast has already gone cold." My big sister said when I was just halfway down the stairs.

"Well sorry sis! Because some people just love being waked up at 7:00 in the morning on a Saturday!" I rolled my eyes as I replied to her sarcastically when I got into the kitchen.

She just scoffed at me as she opened up the fridge. I saw the plate of delicious bacon, eggs, and toast, so I sat down to eat breakfast.

"So where's James?" I asked Alice, my big sister.

"He's already at McDonalds." She replied casually as she closed the fridge door with a strawberry yogurt cup in her hands.

"What?! this early?!" I shouted as I choked on my food.

"Hey! don't talk when your mouth is full. And yeah he's already at work." She says as she opened up the yogurt cup and got a spoon from the cupboard.

"But his job doesn't start in an hour." I countered.

"Correction, in 50 minutes. And you know his the eldest out of the three of us so he takes on his job seriously now because he's promoted to shop assistant manager. Besides, you know that we're ..." She stopped, her eyes widen as if on the verge of tears and then she looked at me. Her eyes showed me sadness and fear, fear of that dreaded word.

"I know..." I smiled reassuringly at her.

She smiled back at me.

"How come your not at work yet?" I asked her.

"Because some people can take care of themselves." She said sarcastically.

I scoffed, but then I got lost in a train of thought.

The truth is we're orphans. Our parents died on a plane crash when they were returning home from Moscow from another conference. Our parents were very secretive people and we didn't really know what they did for a living, but we knew that they loved us and that was enough for my siblings and I.

From that day on James, my oldest sibling, worked to keep the three of us alive. He is now an assistant manager at McDonalds where he first worked as a janitor at the age of 11, though it was because of his height and body structure he got the job with. Then last year, Alice, my big sister, started her job at McDonalds as a cashier, which James practically begged the manager to accept her. The two of them now basically make the living to keep the three of us alive. I'm not complaining, maybe because I promised myself that when I become 13 years old I would help make a living too, even if my older siblings are against me.

"I'm going to work now my shift starts in 45 minutes." I heard Alice say as she picked up her oversized sling bag.

"Okay, keep safe." I said as I smiled at her.

"Okay you too, and leave a note if you decide to leave. Turn off the lights and other electrical devices. And never forget to lock the doors." She said reminding me the same routine she told me everyday before she left as she opened the door.

"Yes mom." I replied to her playfully.

"I'm not that old!" She shouted as the door closed behind her.

I giggled as I put the dirty dishes at the sink. I'm going to clean it up later.

I made my way to the living room and lazily sat on the sofa as I turned on the T.V. I smiled as I watched a movie on Star Movies.

I'm Clare Brighton, a 12 year old seventh grader in high school. I'm half Filipino and half Canadian who has fairly white skin, wavy brown hair that reaches up to my waist, brown eyes, rosy cheeks, natural reddish lips, a slim body build, 5 feet tall, and most of all a realist.

My older brother, James Brighton, a 14 year old ninth grader in high school and an assistant manager at McDonalds. Who is also half Filipino and half Canadian who has tanned skin, spiky black hair, brown eyes, has freckles on his cheeks, natural red lips, and a great body build, 3-6 inches taller than me, and most of all a family guy.

My older sister, Alice Brighton, a 13 year old eighth grader in high school and a cashier at McDonalds. Who is, like me and my older brother, half Filipino and Half Canadian who has fairly white skin, silky black hair up to her chest, blue eyes, rosy cheeks with a dusting of freckles, natural pink lips, and a slim body build, an inch or two taller than me, and most of all has a motherly nature.

I'm Clare Brighton and this is my life.


Thank you for reading this chapter.

P.S.: Updates will be super slow.....

So cheesy and corny as it may be, here is my 'sorry' and I mean sorry for an excuse pick-up line and for those otaku out there:

Boy: Hey Lucy!
Girl: Yes Natsu?
Boy: What would you do if I punched you?
Girl: I'll punch you back!
Boy: What would you do if I kicked you?
Girl: I'll kick you back!
Boy: What would you do if I love you?
Girl: I'll love y- (realizes what she just said) *blushes*

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