Chapter 1

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Hey everyone, this is my second ever book and I'm actually really proud of how it turned out. I hope you guys enjoy it. Please don't forget to vote!☺☺

Sitting at the top of one of the small hills that surrounded the port town of Aireda. Kayda, a young herbologist, was watching a large naval battleship pull into port. It was her first time seeing such a big ship, which wasn't a surprise seeing as her town was located on a small island in the middle of nowhere. It was so insignificant that the navy never stopped here, it did help that their town was a peaceful one.

She was enjoying the warm summer breeze when she was interrupted by her best friend Annabeth. She was shouting towards her as she ran up the hill.

"Hey, Kay! " Kayda looked up at her extremely bubbly friend who was leaning over her while waving her hands about. Her long hazel hair was pulled back into a bun and her vibrant honey eyes glowed with wonder.

"Did you hear the news!?" she asked while plopping her self down next to her.

"No, what happened this time?" Kayda said trying to sound interested but she couldn't care less about what was happening in town or what her friend had to gossip about. It was always the same thing, the joys of living in a small town. Yet she pretended to be interested because Annabeth meant a lot to her and the girl loved to gossip.

"Well, apparently the navy ship is only docking here because they were attacked by pirates! It happened a few days back and they ended up chasing them all the way out to are small invisible island! " Kayda just gave her a small hum of approval to prove that she was actually listening.

'it isn't strange to find pirates in these part, so this is nothing new'

Their island was part of a long line of islands that made up most of there world. Some were bigger, some smaller, richer, poorer. But there's was on the they were never bothered by the outside world or countries. This always kind of rubbed Kayda the wrong way, she loved her people but for her, there were very outdated and conservative.

It annoyed her because she was never able to do all the things that she wanted to do and be her self. When she was at work, the townspeople would always want to see her boss instead of her because he was a man. In her opinion, everyone in this town needed a reality check.

"Are you listening to me?" Annabeth asked her while waving her hands in front of her face. Elia swatted her hand away.

"Yeah, yeah" she answers, but she didn't notice the smirk that her friend had.

"So you heard what I said about your brother getting back and asking for you." Kayda shot up finally looking into her friend's eyes.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she stood up as fast as she could and grabbed her satchel that had some of the herbs that she had been picking in it.

"I did! You should have listened to what I'm telling you, instead of daydreaming." Annabeth yield at her friend who was already running down the hill.

Kayda reached the town in second and was already making her way through it on the rooftops. She had always been a fast runner and never liked going slow. So she found it easier to get to where she was going by making her own path on the roofs and walls of the town. She feels in love with it so she does it when and where ever she can.

Even if most of the time she would get told off for doing so and one time she got mistaken for a thief when she was climbing onto her neighbours' roof. She was sure that one day she will end up giving the older ladies a heart a tack.

She made it to the port spotting the fishing boat her brother works on right away. She swerved through the crowds of people that were working on getting the wooden crates of the boat. Elia saw her brother getting off the ramp with crates in is hands.

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