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Hitoshi's P.O.V

"Ok. Well for starters, switch tops."

I looked at them dumbfounded. "Huh?!"

"You heard me, we're switching tops. Now come on, take it off so i can give you mine," they said as they put their stuff down and started taking off the sweater. As soon as that happened i looked away, a blush creeping onto my face. I cast a side glance, noting that they still had bandages around their torso and forearms. I looked at their body and thought, 'Damn they got a nice body. Really defined and with curves..." i trailed off.

"You're looking at me," they said throwing me a smirk, "take a picture it'll last longer."

I grumbled and turned away, still curious about the bandages. I cast another small glance at them, 'Why do they have bandages? And only in those certain areas? Why were they bleeding earli-' My train of thought was interrupted by a sweater hitting the back of my head.

"Come on slow poke, we dont got all morning."

I nodded, taking off my sweater and throwing it at her while pulling theirs on. To my surprise it fit. "How does this fit so well?," i questioned.

Shrug, "Well first off, we are about the same height. Secondly, i tend to get a size or two bigger, or shop in the male section. That sweater there my dear idiot, is from the men's section," they said, smirking after pulling on my sweater. For the first time since id met y/n, i saw that indeed we were almost the same height. I looked at them, seeing how my sweater was almost a little to big on the sleeves and extra baggy on the sides. Subconsciously I blushed and rubbed my neck, a warm feeling spreading over me.

"Anyways, let's go! We got about an hour before sunrise and i need to find more places to photograph in the meantime." I nodded, as they grabbed their things from the ground, their skateboard hanging sideways in their hand.

'Maybe this wont be too bad," i thought, 'maybe this time I can make a friend.'

We walked around for what seemed forever, occasionallystopping so that y/n could take pictures. At one point, she made me pose halfway down a street that was illuminated by neon signs. I looked down at my phone as we walked, 5:10 am. 'Geez we've been walking for a while now then,' i sighed thinking. As we kept walking, we came across a run down building with an overgrown swing set. 

"Oi, go sit on one of em and pose. Im taking some shots of you here," they stated as they plopped down their skateboard and took out the camera. I nodded making my way over to the swings. Sitting down on one i just looked up at the sky, waiting for them when i heard a click and then saw a flash. I turned looking at y/n, a slightly annoyed look on my face.

"Why didnt you warn me?," i grumbled as they checked the photo. Silence. "Ahem," my voice taking on a more irritated tone. Silence. Then i noticed a small glint from their ears. 'Of course they're wearing earbuds, but seriously, in the middle of this,' i thought as i walked up to y/n without them noticing. I plucked the right earbud and placed in my own ear, only to be met with a glare. I retorted with a smirk, "Well you were ignoring me so i wanted to see what you were listening to."

~please the song so this next part makes sense~

The music blasted in my ear. It sounded like something out of a teenage movie, but before i knew it my head was bopping to the beat of it and my feet were tapping to it. I started swaying slowly to it, forgetting myself in the rhythm, forgetting where i was and with who i was. I looked over at y/n and saw them staring. So i tugged them towards me by their sleeve and started dancing.

"Ack! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Dancing with you, duh."

"No. Now let me go."

"No. Dance with me for this song and then ill let you go."

Silence. "Fine."

I felt y/n start to sway, their body moving in fluid and smooth motions. They werent any fancy or cool dance moves, but seeing them dancing, looking lost in the music and their moving body illuminated by the moon tugged at something in me. I took a risk and decided to move closer, placing my hands on their hips. They tensed under me but kept dancing, their body swaying against mine. In those two minutes, everything felt like it had come to a stop. 'What is this damned feeling? I shouldnt feel like this, I barely met them yesterday!' The thoughts in my head going crazy, but then just how it started, it ended. Y/n pulled away. Before i could speak, y/n said softly.

"Let's go."


Waaaaaah! Im so sorryi havent updated >×<! Ive been so busy with school and studying, i havent had time to write! But here you go finally! Also.....THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 126 READS?!?! THATS CRAZY! LIKE HOW EVEN?!?! ARIGATO GOSAIMASU T^T I APPRECIATE IT A LOT!

>>>love, insomnia

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