1. Birthday

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"Mummy let me see," I giggled trying to pry my mums hands off my eyes. "Not hey sweet pea, just wait," she replied. I could hear the amusement in her voice. We carried on walking until I smelt the fresh air of the outside. "You ready?" My mum whispered in my ear. "Yeah," I screamed. My mum took her hands away from my eyes. I saw balloons in the tree, a huge table full of food and drinks, another table of presents and all my pack standing around. "Surprise," they all smiled. Yes pack, I'm a werewolf. We shift at 18 and find our mates. I still have 13 years until I find my mate. Mummy and daddy always say it's the best feeling I would ever have. "Say thank you aria," mummy whispers in my ear. "Thank you everyone," I smiled. "Happy fifth birthday aria," the alpha and Luna of the pack smiled down at me. "Thank you," I giggled. My daddy is the beta and best friend of the alpha, mummy and Luna are friends as well. "Go okay honey. Well call you when you can open your presents," my daddy hugged me then placed a kiss on my head. "Love you mummy and daddy," I smiled up at them. "We love you to baby," my daddy patted my head then I ran off.

After a couple hours of playing, a big wolf came up to us and growled. "Rogues," I heard someone shout. My mummy, daddy, alpha and Luna all shifted and started fighting all the wolves that wasn't in our pack. I saw my mummy get pinned down by a wild and he bit her neck. Her wolf whimpered then didn't move. I knew my mummy had died. "Aria run honey. Keep going as far as you can. I love you so much. Me and your mummy. Don't forget that. Now go," my daddy rushed me to into the woods. "I love you so much my little wolf," he kissed my head and I started running. When I looked back, my daddy's wolf was fighting. Just like my mummy, another wolf pinned him down and killed him. My heart sank, tears streamed down my cheeks and I ran. I ran as fast as I could.

I don't know how long I had been running but I knew I had to keep going. The longer I went on, the more tired I got. In the end, I found a tree with a hole in it. I climbed in it and curled up in a ball. As I closed my eyes, I heard sticks breaking around me. My breathing got quicker and I tried to keep myself hidden.


"Alpha, a rogue has come in to our territory," my beta warren informed me. "Let's go," I growled. We both got to the edge of the woods, I went behind a tree and took my clothes off to shift. My black wolf came out and I looked at my betas brown wolf. We both nodded at each other and took off. As an alpha, I was able to sniff out where this rogue was. Me, my beta and three warriors came across a tree. "By the tree. Let me see before we attack," I mind linked them. I got a series of 'yes alpha' and I shifted. I pulled on shorts and the sweetest scent hit me. A mixture of cotton candy with mint and chocolate. When I got to the tree, I saw a hole in it. I could hear quick breathing like they were afraid. I looked inside to see a small girl around 4 maybe 5 curled up. Her head shot up and she tried to move backwards more to get away from me. I bent down and smiled softly at her. "I'm not going to hurt you little pup. Can you come out?" I moved one hand closer to her. A little growl escaped her chest, I bit my lip trying not to laugh at how much it sounded like a kitten. "You can trust me pup. I won't hurt you I promise," I made my face as soft as I could. She took my hand and sparks went up my arm. "Mate," my wolf jumped. I ignored him for the time being so I could focus on the little girl. When she got out I lifted her up placing her on my hip. "Can you tell me your name?" I looked at her. "Aria," she whispered. "Well hello aria. I'm alpha Christian. Can you tell where your mummy and daddy is?" I asked. "Rogues got them. I watched them die," aria started crying. "Shh, it's alright. I'll take care of you ok," I pushed her head into the crook of my neck. She inhaled my scent and I could feel her relax in my arms. The mate bond already taking place. Once I walked out from behind the tree, my beta and warriors looked at me confused. "I'll tell you later," I mind linked them. They all nodded and took off. I walked back to my house so I could clean and re dress my little mate. So small and innocent, my little aria.

My little mate, aria Where stories live. Discover now