Little Dean

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Dean: Little Age 3-4Cas: DaddySam: BubbaChuck: PawPaw

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Dean: Little Age 3-4
Cas: Daddy
Sam: Bubba
Chuck: PawPaw

Sam and Castiel were going on a hunt. Dean was too little to go and Bobby has, sadly, passed, so the only person they could think to watch the boy was Castiel's dad, Chuck.

Little Dean loves his PawPaw. He always has cookies and snacks for Dean and let him watch movies all day! They pulled into Chucks house and Castiel got Dean out. They walked to the door and Chuck opened it moments before Castiel could knock.

"Hey!" Smiled chuck. "Hey dad," said Castiel while holding Dean. The boy was having a clingy day, not wanting to leave Castiel's arms. "Hi Dean," said Chuck softly with a smile. "Hi PawPaw," said Dean as he snuggled closer to Castiel.

"He's clingy today," sighed Castiel as he rubbed Dean's back as Dean hid his face in Castiel's neck. Chuck smiled and let Castiel in along with Sam who was holding Dean's little bag. Sam handed the bag to Chuck and looked at his older, now younger, brother, knowing that Dean wasn't going to let them leave that easily.

"Dean, daddy has to go, I'll be back in a couple days, okay?" said Castiel softly as he started to pulled Dean away from him. That's when the flood gates opened. "No!" Dean screamed and held Castiel tighter. "Dean, sweetheart, we need to go, we will be back soon, I promise!" said Castiel as he tried to get Dean off of him. The boy just refused to let go.

"Dean, I've got some pie," said Chuck, knowing the boy loved pie. Dean slowly looked at Chuck, while keeping his hold of Castiel. "Pie?" the mental toddler asked softly. Chuck smiled and nodded. "Yeah! Wanna go get some with me? I don't think I can eat it all by my self!" said Chuck. "I help PawPaw eat da pie?" asked Dean softly. Chuck nodded at him.

Castiel was relieved when Dean reached for Chuck. "Pie!" said the boy. The man smiled and took the boy into his arms. Sam and Castiel nodded at Chuck as the man carried his 'grandson' into the kitchen, allowing Sam and Castiel to sneak out the door and go on their hunt.

Chuck and Dean made it to the kitchen and Dean saw the pie. "Pie, PawPaw,"said Dean softly with his head on the older mans shoulder. "Yeah, it's your favorite!" said Chuck as he got a plate out along with the pie knife. "Apple?" asked Dean softly. "That's right!" said Chuck as Dean snuggled closer to him and put his thumb in his mouth.

Chuck cut a small slice of pie and put it on his plate. He grabbed his fork and carried Dean to the couch with the plate in his other hand. He sat on the couch with Dean on his lap. He turned the television on and he turned on Cars, one of Dean's favorite movies. He then picked up a small bit of pie for Dean. He held the fork to Dean's lips and waited for the boy to bite it. Dean slowly took the piece, and Chuck could tell he would have an outburst soon.

"Daddy?" asked Dean softly. "Daddy's working, he'll be back soon," said Chuck softly as he kissed the side of Dean's head. Dean whimpered and sat up, looking at Chuck. "Wan' Daddy," said the boy sadly. Chuck smiled sadly at him. "I know, love, but he'll be back soon, I promise," said Chuck. Dean's bottom lip trembled, but he lay his head on Chuck's shoulder. "Do you want to call Daddy before bed?"asked Chuck. He felt Dean nod before he kissed the boys head.

Chuck and Dean watched Cars as Chuck fed Dean some of the pie. When he was finished the pie, Dean started missing his Daddy. He sniffled and sat up. "Daddy," he whimpered. Chuck sighed. He knew Dean was gonna have a break down or a tantrum, maybe both, but he was hoping it wouldn't be tonight. "He will be back in a couple days, sweetheart," said Chuck softly. Dean didn't like that answer and fisted his eyes and tears fell.

"Would you like to call him before bed?" asked Chuck, standing up. Dean nodded and sniffled. Chuck nodded and walked to his office to get on his computer to facetime Castiel. Sam had shown Castiel how to facetime, for this exact reason.

Chuck sat in his chair with Dean in his lap, facing the computer. He type Castiel's number an hit call. Dean was holding his blanket and he leaned back against chuck. Not even ten seconds later, Castiel answered.

"Daddy!" explained Dean. "Hi, honey bear!" smiled Castiel. Sam was driving and Castiel was in the passenger seat. "Daddy come home?" asked Dean softly and fisted his eye. Castiel smiled sadly. "Not yet, honey bear," said Castiel sadly. Dean didn't like that answer. "Daddy come home now!" the boy cried. Castiel felt his heart breaking. "I'm sorry, honey bear, but Daddy can't come home right now," said Castiel. Dean really didn't like that answer as he cried out and kicked the table. Being in headspace, he didn't kick it hard, but he also knew he wasn't supposed to kick.

"Dean Winchester," said Castiel sternly, catching his baby's attention. "We don't throw tantrums," warned the angel. Dean cried and fisted his eyes. "Wan' Daddy!" the boy cried. Castiel sighed sadly. He knew little Dean had abandonment issues and he hated leaving him. "I know baby, but we don't throw tantrums when he don't get what we want," said Castiel softly but still stern. Dean nodded sadly. "Okay, how about you and PawPaw go night-night and I'll see you as soon as I get home," said Castiel. Dean nodded sadly. and put his on the screen where Castiel was holding his hand up. Something that they started doing when Castiel left so Dean felt like he was holding his hand before saying goodbye. "Good night, honey bear," said Castiel. "Night-night Daddy," said Dean. Castiel smiled before hanging up.

Dean pulled his hand back and he laid his head on Chucks shoulder. "Let's get you to bed," said Chuck as he stood up and lifted Dean in the process. Dean snuggled close to Chuck as he was carried up the stairs to his room. Chuck walked in and laid the boy on the large double bed. He knew Dean wouldn't roll of the bed, but he still put pillows around his body in case. "I'll see you in the morning!" said Chuck with a smiled before kissing Deans head and watched as the boy snuggled his blanket that Castiel got in and closed his eyes. Chuck smiled and turned on the night-light, turned off the light, and left the room, keeping the door cracked open. 

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