Their Death

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A scream. That was the last thing that left the Bard's throat when the "hero" struck them down. And then silence. No singing, no dancing, nothing. Miriam quickly runs in, hearing the scream, and sees her best friend's body lying on the ground, eerily still. She lets out a scream as everything clicked in Audrey's head.

The Bard was dead.

Miriam holds Kiwi's body close, trying all of the healing spells she knew. Nothing worked. Their body laid there, cold and limp. Audrey's sword drops to the ground with a clang, her hands covering her mouth. She killed them.
Miriam's head snaps up to look at Audrey, already readying up a blast. The spell slowly fades, however, almost as if she decided against it. It wasn't what Kiwi would've wanted...
"....W-What did you do...?" Miriam whispered with a shaky voice. Audrey can't even answer right then, she's still in shock. "ANSWER ME!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM??" Mir snaps, tears rolling down her face. "T-They didn't deserve this..."
"I-It was an accident.. I swear! I-I didn't mean for this to happen...!" Audrey says, her eyes threatening tears. Mir shoots a hard glare at Audrey. "It doesn't matter if you meant for this to happen... It still did..."
She goes silent for a moment, before chuckling softly. "Ya know what...? Eya was wrong about you... You're no hero..."

"You're a murderer...."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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