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What the hell  happened I said trying to stay calm I was sitting in Sunny's cave it was cozy for the most part with fire lanterns on the ceiling and torches on the walls and a bed made of camel blankets and there where neat stacks of scrolls in pockets carved out of the rock in the wall and there was a chest in the corner it had been maybe an hour after winter had been taken sunny came and sat by me and handed me a cup of tea (do dragons drink tea) I took a sip it tasted great but I was to busy worrying about the fact that my boyfriend was gone to tell her thanks I don't know said sunny with a worried expression the way you said how it happened it could only be one thing and mean one thing she trailed off and I knew I was thinking the same thing as her that the icewings had a Animus in the claws and they wanted and now had winter and then I prossided into bursting into tears

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