Telling my mom

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We had made a plan to tell her by giving her a little surprise box/paper thingy.

We had made a plan to tell her by giving her a little surprise box/paper thingy

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( But at the top it has your pregnancy test and it says your due date)

When i get home me and jackson go straight to my room. When jackson walks in he says a quick hello to my mom and tells payton he'll hang in a minute.

We get to my room and we get the paper thingy ready. I told jackson i was going to help my mom get dinner ready while he hangs out with payton.

I get downstairs and my mom is making chicken and as soon as the smell hits me i run to the bathroom and throw up. I hear my mom yelling my name probably because i just ran out of the kitchen white as a ghost. She comes behind me and rubs my back while i throw up everything i had in me.

M- Sweetie are you okay?

Y- Yeah just don't like the smell of chicken

M- I'll get you some medicine

Y-NO- i mean no thank you i'm fine i'll just drink some water and maybe stay in the living room.

M- Uhm- okay if your sure then, do you still want chicken 

I gag at the thought of eating chicken 

M- I'll take that as a no then*chuckles* 

Y- Sorry mom i know you like chicken 

M- Non sense i'll just make you a?


M- Okay a pizza it is then     

Y- Thanks mom 

M- I'll go get you that water and i'll make sure to open the back door so when you do get to eat you won't puke it up right after.*chuckles*

Y- Yeah thanks mom*chuckles* i'm just gonna go lay down 

M- Good idea

I go to the living room and lay down on the couch and turn on Netflix. A minute later my mom come out and hands me a glass of water. 

Y- Thanks mom

M- No problem you sure you don't want a Advil or a-

Y- No mom i'm fine, i'll just try not to move very much

M- Uhm okay?

My mom looks me up and down suspiciously and then she walks off to the kitchen.

Shit does she know? Should we tell her now? I think we should tell her now. Great now i'm scared.


I yell from the living room hoping he can hear me. I wait a few minutes before getting up to go get him.

I knock on paytons door.

P- Come in 

I walk in to see both him and jacksons back facing the door, their faces on the t.v playing fortnight. Jackson turns around and when he sees me he smiles which make my heart melt and smile at him.

Teen Mom- Jackson FeltWhere stories live. Discover now