Chapter 14

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Gray looked at the ceiling, examining the bumps and different patterns. He was this bored, but he had nothing else to fill his time. He had no friends to bug, since they were all currently at Natsha's game, so he only had the choice of playing an old game, which he beaten so many times before, or spinning in his chair. Instead, he ended up staring his room over. He could only imagine what Ur was thinking he was doing in his room, since she kept checking up on him with a certain look.

Is he acting strange? Honestly, he couldn't tell. He felt like he was doing was normal, even though he didn't feel like he was normal at the moment. He sighed in his hand, wondering what he could find to fill his time.

His arm slide across the comforter and picked up his cell phone, checking the app called FairyTail. For some odd reason, he hasn't been on the site for a while, maybe because he had no interest in other people's lives. Man, he must really be bored if he's doing this.

He kept sliding down the list of pictures, yet his mind was elsewhere.

Natsha's game should be in its third quarter.

He would have liked to go, but doubted that he actually wanted to be there with her. They haven't been talking since his confession, and he being there would only cause her to be more uncomfortable. This was the main reason why he never wanted to confess, to have this distance between them, but it happen anyways.

Thoughtlessly, his mind wandered back to their middle school years, right after Erza transferred out. It was only him and her; and Lisanna. Everyone in middle school was always talking about their relationships and how they wished they had boy/girlfriends. It was maybe when he listen to a classmate talking about Natsha that he started to notice her in those ways. It was maybe when she chose him over the other lads when he started to think differently. It was maybe when Lisanna moved into a different class and meet Sting and Rogue, which gave him more time alone with Natsha. Then again, it would have just been the hormones; that could explain why Igneel wasn't quite accepting when Gray tried to come over.

There was not an exact point where it happened, it just surfaced one day and stayed all throughout their last year of middle school and through high school. It was mildly frustrating during those years since their schedules were entirely different and the two gotten other comrades, but they did finally mend their friendship back together.

Well, he couldn't really tell what type of relationship they had now. He confessed but there was no answer. Could they still be friends? Or were they stuck in this middle ground, between friend and lover, where the only answer was distancing away from each other?

He didn't want to think any more of this; it only caused his headache to grow harsher.

Gray felt stuffy within this small room. He shook his head and jerked upwards, grabbing onto his dresser. His fingers skimmed down the drawers, leading to his sock draw. It's been a while since he thought of this little, smelly surprise.

The black book. Loke's book. Loke's history with girls.

He opened it.

The raven-haired knew it was a bad idea mauling through his friend's exes, but at the moment, he wanted to get out of his house. Finally, the page stopped on a picture of Juvia. The blue haired girl's number was sprawled across the other page, as well as conversation starters, likes and dislikes, as well as information about her figure.

"A pervert inside and out..." he sighed, dropping the book onto his bed. Just from that information, he regretted even thinking about going down that route.

Five minutes later, he was in the living room with his jacket over his shoulders. On a piece of paper, he wrote a small note for Ur whenever she gotten home. 'Heading out on a walk, already ate.' The last part was a lie, but the thought of Ur trying to make dinner was disturbing enough.

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