Chapter 9:Visting Robby

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4 hours later:Reseda Mercy Hospital-Afternoon
Robby:*strained* What happened?
Miguel:You were shot,baby.
Robby:By who?
Miguel:I dont know they had a black hoodie on with a devil mask about our age.
Robby:It could've been Tory or Hawk.
Miguel:No,I doubt it babe.
Robby:Yeah I guess I'm just too worried.
Miguel:Well....I'll see you later your um dad is here to see you.
Robby:*sighs okay*
Johnny walks inside:
Johnny:Hey Robby.
Robby:Hi dad.,
Johnny:Are you okay? What happened?
Robby:*sighs* Okay....Miguel and I were kissing..and miguel saw a person,and told me to watch out....but before I could react....the person shot me right in the stomach.
Johnny:Jeesus christ...but your okay though right?
Robby:Yeah I am.
Johnny:Okay so um... I'm gonna run to the store and pick you up something to eat,okay?
Robby:Okay,yeah sure.
Johnny:*smiles and leaves*
Robby(to himself):Now he cares? Jeez.
The Next Day:
Miguel wakes up next to Robby in his hospital bed with his,arms wrapped around his body.
Miguel opens his eyes:
Miguel:Hey,rise and shine baby.
Robby:Oh hey,babe.
Miguel:So I'm gonna head home okay? And I'll be back later on in the afternoon..Okay?
Robby:Okay no problem baby. He kisses Miguel's soft lips and *Miguel leaves*
Miguel runs into someone.
Tory:Hey Miguel....
Miguel:Don't talk to me You Bitch!
Tory:*smirks and slaps his ass*
Miguel:Tory...I'm Gay!
Miguel:Yeah and I'm dating Robby.
Tory:*slaps his face hard and leaves*
He walks outside to his car:
He sees the car moving back and forth from the inside.
Miguel:What the fu-
Sam:Oh hey Miguel!
Miguel:Hi Sam.
Sam:Is Robby okay?
Miguel:Yeah he is....
Hawk:Hey hey...Miguel!
Miguel:Pushes Hawk
Hawk:*smirks* right on Miguel!!!
End of Chapter 9!

Chapter 10 will need at least 2 days of work since it'll be a bigger and badder chapter to write!

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