Ask Me Anything

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This is not the first time Simon has stepped into the Cafe, as determined as ever having worked himself up along the way that yes! Today is that day! The day he shall ask hot greyed eyed barisa to be his! And he will do this today! Simon thinks to himself with a firm nod as he stands in line to ask his  question and order something delicious before he departs.. Maybe with a accomplished smile or a disappointing frown ...

The frown will be if the barista declines he's question or at himself because he doesn't go through with asking the thing he really wants in the first place.

Only time will tell..well, there's only three persons in the line before him and telling by the giggling of the girl standing in front,sh erainly got herself a good answer, Simon thinks as he stands in line.

As he stands there he starts sweating a bit and his hands get clammy. It seems as if hours are going past but only seconds actually go by. He starts biting his lip and overthink as to if he should go through with it and before he knows it he's at the front of the line.

"hello, Simon" Baz greets him with a welcoming smile. It's nothing new to Simon as Baz always seems to greet everyone with a smile.

"Hey" Simon's says and give a shy wave to Baz even though the Baz is standing directly in front of him. Baz smile only seems to grow at Simon's shy demeanor.

"what will it be today?" Baz asks and Simon says he's order. He alway seems to order the same things but only different flavors. Today he's going with a cherry pie and a pumkin spice latte. "to go.. Or are we eating in?" Baz asks and Simon's says "to go please" with a shy smile.

Baz rings his order up and stands expectantly waiting on Simon to ask him one question for the day. "go on Simon.. What question do you have for me today"

Simon swallow as he thinks if he can go through with it today. "uh... How's your day been?" he asks. Ugh he could just kick himself. He didn't ask when he intended to. I'm so done with myself, he thinks as Baz smiles at him.

"my day has been great... Better now though" Baz said with a secretive smile. "thank you for asking" he says and Simon moves from the line. Waiting on his order to be brought to him with a frown and a disappointed twist of his lips. Well you could say he was pouting but he would never admit to that.

As Simon waits for his order a girl moves to the front all giggly and stuff and Simon's so wants to roll his eyes but refrains from acting petty.

As she gets to the counter Baz smiles at her, but not without glancing at Simon from the corner of his eyes.

Simon doesn't notice too busy looking at the girl. The girl orders and then Baz asks her what her question is.

Simon was not all that interested in what the girls question would be but he is so glad he stayed at the counter waiting on his order when he hears he question.

"so Baz. Are you gay?" and strange as it is that a girl would ask this question, I mean if I was a girl I'd probably ask if he has a girlfriend not outright ask him his sexuality. Simon looks up from the girl. Shocked. Then looks from the girl to Baz only to see Baz eyes were already on him. Baz smiled then answered "why... Yes. I am" and winked right at Simon.

He couldn't help but blush. And when he's order arrived Simon hurriedly pays and then leaves but not without throwing a last look Baz's way, only he was already busy with the next customer.

Simon sighed and made his way out the door without knowing Baz threw him one last look too.


Peace ✌️

Questionnaire Cafe (2 Shot) SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now