Hot and Sweaty

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Bandio groaned as he slammed his face into the wall. The air conditioning had just busted inside their apartment and he was unable to fix it. He groaned and plopped in his chair, groaning in agony at the hot temperatures. Lifting his shirt a bit and unzipping his pants, he could feel his head sink back as his sweat dropped with a soft tink on the marble flooring.

He sat there for a moment before taking off his shirt completely and heading to the window to let some air in. He heard a knock at the door and opened it, revealing a shorter silver, winged stallion. The demon blinked at the stallion but soon sighed in relief at the ice cold air conditioning coming from the hall of the apartment complex.

"Barbarian! What a mess you are in!" The strictly pegasus growled. "No course for a prince at all! You're even worse than that fool, Ed!" He huffed in anger. "My employer ordered I fetch you and your twin. Against better judgement. I don't know what she sees in such a messy, no mannered ruffian like yourself."

Too hot and sweaty to deal with the flying horse's garbage sass, Bandio grabbed him and pinned him against the wall using his tail to slam the door shut. "Demon!! What are yo--?!" Bandio stuck his fingers into Sterling's mouth watching him struggle. Feeling Sterling's hooves slam into his legs, Bandio silently chuckled at the ticklish feeling. The mere mortal thinks he can cause him damage? Oh please. Bandio nibbled his ears and felt Sterling slowly stop struggling. He smirked and shove his thigh in between Sterling's legs, feeling him jolt.

Finally stopping the wild pegasus, the demon raccoon wrapped his huge hand around the silver angel's crotch. He thought silently to himself with a silent laugh feeling wet the pegasus had gotten just from the raccoon's touches.

He acts tough and puts up a decent fight. But really he's just a big fucking amber eyed slut. Bandio thought. Time to teach him a lesson not to insult me when I am hot and bothered.

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