Robbery 101

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Now imagine this you died, causes natural death, suicide, murder and the whole shabang. But what if I tell you that you can be reincarnated in your next life.... Nah that is soo cliche.

Hey! The name is Ester the person who is currently narrating this whole story and my cause of death is pretty stupid if ya ask me.

Now let's start from the beginning how IN THE WORLD did I got into this mess.

*vroooomm* the loud engine revives as I step on the pedal."YOU READY TO ROB THE FACTORY GAL'S !!!"I say passionately as I get ready for what's about to come."YEEE LETS DO IT" Boa said in an old grandma voice.

Now I said gal's but really it was just the two of us attempting to rob an ice cream factory.

Now our plan was simple ,first we need to confirm of what time does the factory closes,once we confirm it we can disguise ourselves as a security guard and let ourselves into the factory and Bada Bing bada BOOM we get as many ice cream boxes as we can and load them on the truck and quickly drive into our secret layer.

But as always there is always ALWAYS something that doesn't goes according to plan.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH"we screamed as I was trying to get hold of the stirring wheel .
"I thought I told you to be quite why did you have to scream so loud and wake up the damn guard?! "I said in a frustrated manner.
"ME?! Bich we both screamed!"Bow said trying to explain.
"GODAMMIT If only that damned rat didn't come out of nowhere we would've escape quietly and the plan would've work" I say trying to keep my mind in check.
"ESTER LOOK OUT!!! "boa says in a panicked voice.
*SCRRREEE* the wheels screeching against the other cars.
*stomp*I tried to hit the breaks but the truck still haven't stop*stomp**stomp* the breaks still didn't work....⊙_⊙
"Hey boa? "
"yea? "
"The damn breaks not working..."
"THE WHAT NOW?!°Д° "boa says in a panicked voice.
"THE DAMN BREAKS DOESN'T WORK! "I shouted in pure shock°Д°.
As I say those words a truck suddenly came into view
"AHHHHHHH shetttt "we said as our last words before finally coming into impact.


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