Part 9

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Today was Friday, June 10th, and it was our last day of school. I was beyond excited. I could barely sit still through my classes all day, and when the final bell finally rang, I bolted out of my seat and through the main doors of the school, relishing the beautiful sunshine outside. Lucy followed me out, laughing. She held my books in her hand and all of the other stuff I had gathered from my locker and put in a box on the ground.

"Here," She said, laughing and handing me the box. I took it and raced to her car. We shoved ourselves in and Lucy started the car.

"We're finally done with school!" I said.

"We still have one more year until we graduate, Morg," Lucy said.

"Don't dampen my mood. Just let me be happy," I said, pouting at her. She laughed again.

"Okay, okay, fine," she said. "we're done with school!" Soon she pulled into the driveway at my house.

"Thanks for the ride, Luce!" I said.

"No problem. See you tomorrow!" I waved at her until I couldn't see her car anymore, then I walked into my house, plopping my bookbag on the counter and loosening the tie of my stiff uniform.

"Hello?" I called into the empty house. There was no answer. Weird. Asa and the girls were usually home from house-hunting by now. I shrugged and headed to my room to change out of my uniform. I changed into a t-shirt and jean shorts, and then I pulled my sweaty hair into two tight french braids that kept it off my neck.

"Morgan?" I heard someone call out.

"Up here!" I called back, making my way downstairs. Asa intercepted me on the stairs and he stopped me with a kiss. When we pulled back, he said,

"I have amazing news. Come downstairs!" I followed him to the living room where the girls were sitting on the couch, bouncing with excitement.

"What's up?" I asked, plopping on the couch in-between Lizzie and Ellie.

"We found a house!" the girls finally burst out, not being able to contain their excitement.

"Really?" I asked. My emotions a mix of ecstatic excitement and sadness. They nodded, and Asa said,

"We found one in the new apartment complex, one that I'll be able to afford. It's small, only two bedrooms and one bathroom, and a small kitchen and living room, but it'll be ours!" I smiled at him.

"I'm so happy for you, Asa," I said, hugging him.

"And the best part..." He trailed off, his eyes twinkling.

"What?" I asked.

"It's only about a five-minute walk from here!" My tight smile grew bigger at those words. "So we'll still be close to you."

"Can I see it?" I asked. Asa nodded.

"We were planning on you asking about that. Also, I got the day off from your mom so we can go do whatever we want!"

I was so excited for Asa and his sisters. One drawback that we had found during this house hunting is that Asa could not rent an apartment until he was 18. He had waited painstakingly for that day, which had happened a couple of weeks ago, and then he hunted all the more fervently until he found the perfect apartment to house his little family. I had never seen anyone more hardworking in all my 17 years (yes, my birthday was a few days ago). He even had a whole beautiful party planned out for the twins' seventh birthday in a few weeks.

"Let's go see our house!" Ellie said, pulling my hand and snapping me out of my trance. I giggled and followed her, slipping on my Vans by the door while she pulled my hand in the direction of the new apartment complex that was built recently on the edge of my neighborhood. Ellie and Lizzie pulled me up the exterior stairs and I followed to a door at the end of the hall, tucked into a corner. They looked at Asa expectantly and he pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door. The apartment had very modern furnishings, but they weren't expensive things. The living room, which the door opened into, had white carpet and light grey walls. In the kitchen, the countertops were marble, the cabinets dark wood. The light fixtures were black, and the walls were a light grey, matching the walls of the living room. I followed the girls as they led me into their bedroom, the seemingly larger one.

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