Chapter Five

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Throughout the entire night, Yoongi did not wake up until the following morning, which was surprising because he thought that both Jimin and Taehyung would've gotten into a serious argument that would've woken Yoongi up during the night. It was more common than the three of them think and there have been a few times when the neighbours have come to check up on them as well as called the cops once. But, there were some nights like nights in which they wouldn't fight and wouldn't get any complaints. The nights when they wouldn't get any complaints were rare though and Yoongi knew that this was one of the rare nights. He opened his eyes and stared into his room that had become brighter from the sun shine that was coming through his window, not moving for a few minutes as he wanted to give himself some time to wake up fully.

The entire mansion was completely silent. It was so silent that he could metaphorically hear his own heartbeat. Not that he didn't mind it being quiet because he preferred it that way. Quietness was how he was able to process the murders or single murder that he had done the night before and it gave him enough time to prepare himself for any arguments that would begin between Jimin and Taehyung later in the day. There was always at least one argument that happens during the day. Yoongi took a deep breath and pulled the blanket off himself, swinging his legs off the sides of the bed before getting up. For a brief moment, he stumbled but he was quick to regain his balance. He walked over to the door that led into his bedroom and opened it, walking out as soon as the door was open. He looked both ways of the hallway that his bedroom was in, seeing that there were no other lights on. It meant that neither Jimin nor Taehyung were awake yet, which was a good thing because he didn't like dealing with them first thing in the morning. They were more annoying in the morning.

They didn't bicker or argue in the morning but the tension between them was more worse in the morning. Yoongi began to walk down the down hallway, walking past Taehyung's room along the way. Yoongi knew that the younger was still sleeping, so he wasn't going to bother waking him up and just continued walking down the hallway. He was planning on going into the kitchen to get something to eat and sit in the lounge room. He wanted to check if the news had managed to develop anything since the murder that he committed last night, even though he doubted that there would be anything that they have to add. Considering that he had gotten away with thirteen murders and has never gotten caught for any of them yet, he had nothing to worry about. He never had something to worry about since he always took precautions to make sure that he didn't leave any evidence behind as well as make sure that there was no one around to see him or any security cameras. Yoongi walked into the kitchen and went over to the cabinet, opening it so he could see what was inside.

There was a variety of foods in the cabinet and it took the male at least five minutes before deciding that he was going to have some random candy that he had gotten a few days ago. He hadn't opened it yet, which was a good thing because he was planning to save it for a semi special occasion like this. To him, the aftermath of murdering someone was a special occasion in his eyes. Jimin and Taehyung didn't really see it as a special occasion but Yoongi had put that down to due the fact they aren't as well known as killers and were just jealous of the fact that Yoongi was more known compared to them. Once he got the packet of candy, he walked out of the kitchen and walked into the lounge room, which was directly next to the kitchen. He sat down on the recliner and picked the remote up that was placed on the arm of the chair, pressing the on button which then turned the tv on. It was still on the news channel that Jimin, Taehyung and him were watching the night before, so he didn't need to change the channel. The first thing that was being talking about was the weather for that week, which he didn't necessarily care about because the weather didn't affect his murderous mindset.

The weather was going to be sunny all week, not that Yoongi really cared because he wasn't planning on going outside anyway. He often stayed home for a while after committing a murder because it helped lower the chances of him being caught. He opened the packet of candy that he had in his hand and continued to watch what was tv while beginning to eat out of the packet. As he watched, he heard two sets of footsteps walking down the hallway and he immediately knew who it was. Well, considering that there were only three of them in the mansion, it would be weird if he heard anymore than two sets of footsteps.

"What are you doing up so early?" Taehyung asked, walking into the lounge room with Jimin.

"I wanted to see," Yoongi answered, "If they have managed to get anymore information about the murder I committed last night. Plus, you two didn't end up arguing during the night, so I didn't have to wake up at some odd hour of the night to break up the argument or fight that you two would have. That's why I am up early." Jimin and Taehyung nodded in understanding and walked over to the couch, the both of them about to sit in the same spot. They looked at each other and Yoongi immediately knew that an argument was about to break out between them, which was nothing new.

"This is my spot," Taehyung growled, "Go sit outside. No one wants a filthy barbarian creature in the mansion."

"No, this is my spot," Jimin growled back, "And shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear your lord like attitude in the household."

"Shut the fuck up!" Yoongi yelled, making them both jump, "The both of you. The spot on the couch doesn't belong to either of you, stop fighting over it. If you two keep this up, I will kick the both of you out and will not allow you to come back inside. I couldn't care less that you two can't get along, but the constant arguments and bickering between the both of you is getting annoying as well as repetitive. Yes, Jimin might be a little filthy but that is only when he is killing people and you can't change the way he kills people because he is wired to kill that way. And yes, Taehyung may have an attitude that is lord like, but we can't do anything about it as it is engraved into his personality. We can't change his personality. Only Taehyung can make the conscious decision on whether if he uses his lord like attitude or if he holds it back. I know you two are annoyed by each other's flaws, but, honestly, get the fuck over it and if you can't, just get the fuck out of the mansion right now. Don't come to me if you need help or if you get caught. Do you two understand? Do not fucking lie to me." Both Taehyung and Jimin stood absolutely still, not moving because of Yoongi having an anger outburst. They were more scared of making him more angry than he already was, but both situations were scary regardless.

"Yes sir," both Taehyung and Jimin responded in sync, nodding as they spoke, "We understand. We'll try to stop."

"You better fucking try," Yoongi growled, "Because I'm fucking sick of splitting up your arguments and physical fights. It's that sort of shit that makes me regret making you murderers." With that, everything had become silent besides from the noise from the tv. That's how Yoongi liked it. Jimin and Taehyung sat done on the couch, this time not fighting over the spots on the couch that they will be sitting on. All their eyes were focused on the tv, waiting to see if there was any more news on the murder that Yoongi had committed the night before. All three of them would be surprised if there was any more news on the murder, considering Yoongi never left any sort of evidence behind and rarely interacted with anyone after a murder. Well besides that one guy last night.

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