Chapter 2: Amelia

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It has been three months since I was introduced to my actual family and new life. I got to meet my mother, Pepper Potts. She is really a gentle and caring person and parent. After just seeing me, she embraced me. She and I spent a lot of time together and I'm not exaggerating about the "a lot" part. She is strong at the same time. She helps Morgan in managing Stark Industries and also prepares me how to do it. I learn, but I don't exactly want to manage the company. I mean I want to surpass my father's legacy, however, I don't want to follow the work part, and certainly not the playboy part.

No! I'm talking about the superhero part. I mean, for the love of God! Tony Stark should have a child to carry on his superhero legacy, so I am planning on recreating the Avengers and this time I'm gonna take the children the children of the previous Avengers into this team, as well. So to start, I have thought of the first recruit who will also help me in getting everyone else too.

"No!" said James with an irritable look.

"Why not?" I asked, leaning onto the circular couch James was sitting on.

"Because it's dangerous and fucking stupid," he answered calmly while playing with his lighter.

"Ugh! Fine. I'll go out for a walk and this time don't follow me like a lost puppy," I yelled while walking away. " For God's sake, I don't want a bodyguard 24/7," I walked out the door of the house and behind me, I heard James give out a light chuckle.

James' POV

I was silently sitting in the lounge at the Starks' place while watching TV when I was greeted by a beaming Evelyn.

That girl's still alarmed whenever I'm around, but I still have to be around her in order to protect that annoying, over-smart... beautiful bitch. Usually, she rarely converses with me, but it just so happens that she seemed to be in the mood to talk to me and for some stupid reason, I'm happy about that part. Why? Why does she do this to me?

When I came back to my senses, Eve told me about her little idea. After I disagreed, she went out. I looked at her huff and stomp her feet in anger when walking away. She's kinda cute.

But I don't want her risking her life for people who might not even recognize her and one of these days if she does manage to do it, I can't bear to see her get hurt or worse...

Eve's POV

Damn you, James! Why did you reject the idea! He's the biggest jerk I've ever met! He's unbearable! "But...Then... why does my heart race whenever I see him?" I sigh at the thought.

"Maybe because you like him," said a cheerful voice from behind me. I turned around and saw a beautiful girl in front of me. She was about my age with blond hair and blue eyes. She reminded me of someone, but who?

"Ummm... Sorry for asking, but do I know you?"

"Apologize for startling you," she smiled, "I'm looking for someone named Evelyn Stark and while looking for her, I accidentally heard you speak," she scratched her head awkwardly.

"I believe you're looking for me then," I told her as I saw her eyes get as wide as saucers. "Now may I have the honour of knowing your name and business with me?" I humorously bowed.

She got out of her tranced and resumed back to her original smile and said, "I'm Amelia Rogers. I'm the granddaughter of Steve Rogers and I was actually hoping to ask you for a favour."

Now it was my turn to be surprised. The Granddaughter of Steve Rogers as in Captain fucking America!!! This is actually progress on my little plan! Then realizing that Amelia was still there I composed myself and tried to talk to her.

"What is that favour. I'll try everything I can to help you with it." I told her. This actually brought light into her eyes.

"Well... I was thinking... that maybe...we should recreate the Avengers? If you want to!"

I smiled thinking that there is someone who actually shares my view on things. "Actually, I would love that. Since I was thinking the same thing." She beamed back at me. "Why don't you come inside so that we can talk and become better acquainted?"

I ushered Amelia inside and saw that James was right now lying on the couch while flipping through the channels of the TV. Then when he noticed me and Amelia he quickly went into overprotective mode. He glared at Amelia like Amelia was an assassin here to murder me.

"Who's she?" said James bluntly, while still glaring at Amelia. He stood from his place at the sofa and cautiously moving towards us, all while maintaining eye contact with the female beside me.

"James, this is Amelia Rogers and she is my newest friend and ally," I smiled at the redhead and locked my arms with the blonde girl next to me. I pulled Amelia upstairs so I could talk to her in my room all while James stood there baffled at what had happened. When we got to my room, I closed the door and sat Amelia on my bed as we talked while facing each other.

"So, Evelyn-"

"Please, call me Eve," I smiled at her.

"Eve," she smiled back, "If we're going to be superheroes then we should at least have code names like your father was Iron-man and my grandfather was Captain America."

"Then... I want to be called 'Infinity'," I said thoughtfully.

"Wait really?" Amelia was confused, "You're not going to go with Iron Girl or something like that?"

"No, not really. Since IronGirl would be a little cliché, so I think 'Infinity' is a really cool name for me. Now, what about you?"

"I want to be called 'American Star',"

"That's really a cool name. How'd you think of it?" I said excitedly.

"Well... I've been using that name since I was I child and I played superhero games. So, yeah."

And that is how the friendship and partnership of Evelyn and Amelia had started and together the two became the first heroes to join 'Avengers Next-Gen'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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