old friendly advise

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It's finally time to die! Yay! I wait for the darkness to take over, for my body to go completely numb, to die. But... It never comes

Someone's here, why?


Fuck this I'm going to sleep.

*Izuku's pov*

I wake up to a pounding in my head. Again. Just fucking great so that means people found me and I'm in a hospital. So much for my plan a of a slow but painful death. Eh whatever there is always plan b. Jumping! I open my eyes for the first time after being awake for a while. I didn't want to get blinded by the light so I kept my eyes closed untill now thinking it would help. It didn't... I look around at my surroundings. Mr. Aizawa is sitting in a chair next to my bed sleeping. Why the hell does this guy insist on sticking around? I need them to leave so I can just die already. Eh that probably means that they saw my cuts but it didn't matter. "Midoria?" I hear Mr. Aizawa's voice.

*Aizawa's pov*

I wake up to see an awake Midoria. "Midoria?" I said his name trying to get his attention. He seemed pretty lost in his thoughts. "Eh, oh hi" he said in a monotoned voice. God his eyes look so hollow and empty. Poor kid. "What happened?" I ask him.

*Izuku's pov*

"You saved me when I didn't even need to be saved. I was perfectly content on staying on that floor untill my body was nothing but a rotting coursp. Thank you very much." I told him somewhat muttering. He looks at me shocked unable to say anything. "What cat got your tougn?" I asked him. "No, kid are you okay?" "Heh, oh I'm just a little peachy that's all!" I responded back with a tad bit fake happiness in my voice. "How did you people even know what was happening?" I asked him. "Well one it's in your paperwork, and two we got noise complaints coming from you apartment, someone said it sounded like screaming." "b-but I didn't even scream..." I said more to my self than anyone else. "they also complained about it sounding like there was someone breaking glass." "Oh yeh that, that is just my father being the typical type of person he is." "yeah, and what do you mean by that?" "nothing, now when the hell can I get out of here, I have business to attend to."

*Aizawa pov*

I wonder what the kid ment by that. "Um first of fwhat kind of business, and the doctor has-" just as I was about to finish a nurse walked in with discharge papers. Since he under age I had to sing them. What am I going to do with this kid?

*Izuku's pov*

The doctor's walked in with the discharge papers. Heh, finnaly I'm getting out of here. The sooner I get out of here the better. It means the soon I can die! It's not like anybody can stop me cause they don't care... But hey that's a good thing after all right. I need to make notes but I'll do that later. I also need to thank all of my fellow "friends" for being so supportive and accepting. Oooooh, maybe they will feel bad for what they did! They need to suffer for what they did!

*Aizawa pov*

I sit there listening to the kid mumble. The last thing caught me off guard. His eyes flashed red. He then starts to laugh like a vilian. He said something along the lines of "they need to suffer for what they did." What the hell is going on with this kid? He is going crazy. His eyes suddenly go back to it's normal dull green. The hell? "Midoria, what was that?" I ask him. He turns his head really slowly and looked me in the eyes, saying something that sent a shiver down my spine. "The voice!" He said excitedly. His eyes are red and he starts shaking. I run out into the hall and yell "nurse there is something wrong with this kid! " About three different nurse's come rushing in. The kid is still violently shaking. "Give up your not going to be able to stay in control!"  A voice that is much deep then the kids is coming out of his mouth. Suddenly the shaking stops, but his eyes... One is red and one is green. One of the nurse back up slowly like she is sceared. "D-dark side" she mumbles out. "What is a dark side?" I asked her. "He's a child of a very high in power demon or vilian!" She says and then runs out of the room. The other two are just standing there staring at him. "Hey kid, who are your parents?" One of them ask him. " Izuku mumbles. "Hasizi Midoria, Inko Midoria." (I know I spelt his father's name wrong but I could care less about the guy for my story. Anyways let's continue!)
They both pale instently. I don't know why they are so sceared. Oh, wait... Shit this kid just became
10 times more of a problem child.

~Falling~ (dadzawa) ( Shindeku)Where stories live. Discover now