[Chapter 8: Double date]

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Jimin-Come on.I'll take you to your class.

You nodded and followed him to your class.You sat at your usual place and he left.

Soohyung-Are you okay?
Soohyung-You can tell me.
y/n-I'm okay...
Soohyung-Hey,Yoongi's starring at you.

You looked back and caught Yoongi starring at you.You made an eye contact.Some bad boys came in the room.

Boy1-Hey Min Yoongi,follow us.
Boy2-Come quick you bitch.

{Holy shit!What's happening?What should I do?}

y/n-What's happening?
Soohyung-There's only one way to find out.
y/n-What do you mean?
Soohyung-We're following them.

She pulled you out of the room and followed the boys.But the boys realized that you were following them so they hid.

y/n-Where did they go?
Soohyung-I don't know.
y/n-Let's go back to class.
Soohyung-But don't you worry him.
y/n-I do.But I believe him.He didn't do anything without any strong reason.Let's go.

After the class,you two went to the canteen and took a seat.

Tae-Hi girls.
y/n-Hi Tae Tae
Soohyung-Hi Tae
Tae-Umm...y/n...can you give us a private time.
y/n-Why not.

You walked from your seat and walked near the corner.

Tae-Soohyung....do you want to go out with me?
Soohyung-I don't know what to say.
Tae-I think you don't want to.
Soohyung-No no.I didn't mean that.
Tae-So it's a yes?
Soohyung-It's a yes yes.

y/n-You guys finish talking?
Tae-Yeah.I asked her for a date.
y/n-That's good.

Jimin-Hey y/n~
y/n-Hi Jiminie

Tae-What about a double date?
y/n-Hmm...that nice~What do you think Jiminie
Jimin-I'm okay if you like.
Soohyung-I like it too.
Tae-So let's meet at the entrance after school.

Jimin-y/n,can I talk with you?
y/n-Sure.What's the thing.
Jimin-Do you love Min Yoongi?
y/n-Umm...I...I dunno
Jimin-So do you love me?
y/n-Why are you asking?
Jimin-You don't love me?
y/n-No!I mean yes...I dunno
Jimin-You hate me?
y/n-No...I mean I don't hate you.
Jimin-If you don't hate me,why don't you love me?
y/n-Stop Park Jimin.
Jimin-No.I don't stop until you answer my question.
y/n-Please Jimin
Jimin-Why don't you hate me?
y/n-Because I love you!Now you feel happy?

You ran out of the canteen.Someone pulled you in his chest and hid you.

y/n-Min Yoongi!
Yoongi-Shh....be quiet.
y/n-Oppa I..
Yoongi-You don't need to explain me.I heard you two.I'm not with you all the time,so be careful.

Yoongi walked away.

After school, you and Jimin waited the two shy couple.

Jimin-There they are.
y/n-Why are you tak.....

Jimin cover your mouth with his hand.

Tae-Let's go.

You all walked to the cinema.

Jimin-I'm so happy to be with you.(He whispered softly)
y/n-Me too.

He hold your hand tight.

Jimin-What are we going to watch.
Tae-About a girl who fall for the bad boy.

{Bad boy!}

Soohyung-It's amazing.He's a bad boy but he has a caring heart,right Tae.

{Bad boy,has a caring heart=Min Yoongi.What am I thinking}

Tears started to roll down your face.Jimin didn't realize it but Soohyung did.

After the movie~

Jimin-What a great movie,right y/n?

You nodded.

Soohyung-Can I talk with you,y/n?

You nodded and followed her.

Soohyung-I saw you crying.
Soohyung-It's not important.I know you.You are crying because of Min Yoongi.You remember your memories with him.....am I right?
y/n-Yes..How did you know.
Soohyung-Jimin told me
Soohyung-Yes Jimin,and he loves you.You love him too.You also love Yoongi
y/n-What should I do?
Soohyung-You should choose one.I'm sure that you'll choose Yoongi.By the way,Jimin told me that he's going to America.
y/n-America?For how long?
Soohyung-I don't know.


You ran and hugged him.

y/n-I'm sorry Jimin.Why are you leaving?
Jimin-I'm going to so that I can forget my feelings for you.I know you love Min Yoongi.So tell him that you love him.And don't let him go anywhere.

You cried and hugged him tight.

Love Triangle [Yoongi,Jimin×Reader]Where stories live. Discover now