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We were playing in the sand... and you found a little band... you told me you'd fell in love with it hadn't gone as I planned..."

Tyler stared at the ceiling of his concrete room, singing one of his favorite songs to himself. The boy was currently in a mental asylum, falsely admitted by his crazy parents. He smiled and hugged his stuffed hippo to his chest, a tear falling down his cheek.

"Fuck, man... when will they let me out...?"

A buzz came to his ears as his metal door opened. "Tyler, there's a man here who wants to see you."

"Well shit I guess it's my lucky day." He wiped his face a stood up, tripping over a quantum physics book and a few comic books as he clung to his stuffed animal. He wrapped a soft blanket around himself as the building was quite cold.

The tall 15-year-old walled out of his room with the nurse as he tried to remember the lyrics to his mother's song. Tyler sat down in a meeting room, a tired man with ragged hair wrapped in a sleeping bag in front of him. The nurse left them and closed the door, Tyler face-planting into the table.

"Kid, you all right?"

Tyler have the man a thumbs um without lifting his head, saying, "Yeah I just pulled another all nighter. Anyway, who the fuck are you?"

"My name is Shota Aizawa. You are Tyler Nakamura, correct?"

"Well yes, but actually no."

"What do you mean?"

"I was born a girl but my dad wanted a boy. He put me under surgery and turned me from Tyra Kihashi, the name my mother wanted me to have, to Tyler Nakamura, my dads chosen name." Tyler put up jazz hands and finished with a sarcastic tone, sitting up.

"Do you need some coffee?"

"Hell yeah dude. Sorry, I'm having a hard time staying awake." Aizawa slid his mug of coffee to the boy.

"Uh, isn't this yours?"

"You're gonna need it. I'm about to dump some heavy information onto you."

Tyler sipped the coffee with a content sigh. "Aight, I'm ready. So what's up?"

"Mr. Nakamura, refresh me on your quirk. I was only given vague information."

Tyler paused and set the mug down, closing his eyes. "I have two quirks, actually. One is Anima, to give peaceful life to inanimate objects, and the other is Demon. I can transform to have long white horns, white wings, a white tail, and white claws. My outfit changes into something I... don't really like... I can use fire and earth elements in that form, but as soon as I leave the form, I'm drained."

"Hmm... those are quite powerful. Would you be willing to show me your demon transformation?"


"Hm, okay." Aizawa took out an extremely thiccc yellow folder and slid it to Tyler. "Later I want you to look through this folder and tell me what you think." The man stood up and tossed the boy a chocolate bar which we caught. "Heard you have sweet tooth." The man left Tyler to be picked up by a nurse and brought to his room.

The boy sat on his bed with the folder on his lap. The black blanket fell from his shoulders as he opened the documents. Flyers for a hero school called U.A. fell to his floor, displaying a large blue building. "The fuck...?" Tyler riffled through the folder, pulling out a surgery permission slip sighed by Aizawa. Tyler furrowed his brow as he arranged all the papers on his bed.

"Of I go to this school, I... I can be who I really am...? I... I kind of like the sound of that, but where would I stay? Would I be able to pay for the uniform? The school admission? Lunch?" Another smaller slip of paper caught the teens eye.

He picked it up to examine it, finding Aizawa-sensei number. "Guess I could just ask him... ugh but what if he thinks I'm annoying?"

"Ty, you aren't annoying!"

"Nyx?" The shadowy figure emerged from a corner of the room, floating in an orange and grey light. "Sorry, I didn't see you there! What are you doing here?"

"Tyler, this is why people think you're crazy."

"Um... what? Nyx you just went to saying I'm not annoying to calling me crazy! Sure are bipolar."

"I meant that you need to tell people more about your quirks. You refuse to open up and you end up here." The figure, Nyx, didn't have eyes, only a mouth and brow bone which she furrowed. "Ty, you created me. You told that man about what you could do, why didn't you show me to him?"

"I... I don't want him to think I'm a freak..."

The shadow figure reached down to cup Tyler's cheeks. "Ty, he's a pro hero. Give him a chance. And I think this new school would be good for you!"

"I think so too. Now shoo and let me look through this shit!"

"Hahah! Okay, cya Ty!" Tyler waved to the figure with a smile as she turned back to her righteous place as his shadow.

Tyler grabbed the slip of paper with Aizawa's number, pressing a button on his door. A nurse cane to him and he asked, "May I make a phone call?"

"Oh, of course, Tyler! You go on down to the library, I'll clean up your room!"

"Thank you, Moira!" The boy walked the empty hall to the only room in the building that wasn't freezing. He pushed open the brown doors and smiled at the lady at the front desk. The boy turned to the phone, dialing the number he had received. The phone rang three times before the man picked up.

"This is Aizawa."

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa. Um, I want to take up your offer. But... why me? And does the hospital know?"

"Yes, everything has been talked out. As for your first question, the staff at U.A. has picked you for your unique quirks and intelligence. I assume you know that if you go to our school, we will pay for reversion surgery if you would like to change yourself back to how you were."

"Yes, I saw! Thank you very much for this opportunity, but where will I stay?"

"We have a family who is willing to take you in. They have a son who has gotten into the school by recommendation. You will need to take the entrance exam for the school which I'm sure you'll ace."

"What about financial things? All I have is books and some music equipment. I don't have any clothes other than my hospital gowns."

"The family that has offered to take you in will cover everything for you. But just so you know, this school is in Japan. How fast are you able to learn a language?"

"Uh, well, I learned Russian in a month so I think pretty fast. I'd still need to learn customs."

"Don't worry, your new family and I will take care of everything. I have notified the hospital of this and you will be leaving in a week. If you would like to go sooner, you can start packing."

"Thank you, sir! I thought the day I would finally leave would be a lot sadder, but I'm really excited! I don't really have friends, so there's nothing I have to leave behind!"

"See you in a few days, kid." The man hung up as Tyler smiled widely, the librarian hugging him and congratulating him on his achievements.

"I knew you'd end up somewhere better, Tyler!"

"Thank you, Mia!"


Words: 1282

Tyler // BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now