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"Zoe you need to get up now, Your alarm has been going off for ages", I heard Nathan say as I slowly open my eyes trying to adjust to the light in my room.

"Yeh yeh yeh" I mumble trying to remember why I even set my alarm for 6am in the morning. Then it hit me, oh shoot! I forgot I organised going for a run with Hamish before work.

"If I leave you here, you promise not to fall back asleep" Nathan says as he heads for the door

"Yes I promise, although can you pleaseeeeee do me a huge favour and call Hamish saying I slept in accidentally, I really don't want to hear him being annoyed over the phone" I grumbled putting my hands together pleading Nathan won't mind too much.

"Grrr, FINE!, but you owe me one missy, I feel like I'm in more of a relationship with him then you are sometimes" Nathan states while storming out of my room, leaving me to slump back onto my bed and stare at the roof which had a very odd tinge of yellow to it which I had never noticed before.

A few minutes past and I am still staring at the roof wondering if I should call Caitlin, my right hand gal to take care of the shop today, or if I should actually go do my job. Realising I need to pay rent pretty soon, I managed to slide off my bed and crawl ever so gracefully to my wardrobe. I grab the handles and use them to help me to my feet, acting like a toddler trying to walk for the first time. I open the doors and some of my hung up clothing drops to the ground in front of me.

"I own too much clothing" I say picking up a poorly hung dress and shove it back into the depth of my closet. While doing so I see a top I remember buying about two months ago that I hadn't worn yet, it was a beautiful light pink long sleeve top with little white flowers spread over it.

Grabbing the top I also pluck out some dark blue washed out jeans too, as well as some white shoes that would compliment the flowers on the top.

After struggling to get my clothes on I walk into the kitchen to prepare myself a coffee, I always seemed to be more awake after my morning drink. Once it was done I grabbed the cup and headed over to the couch, plopping myself down onto the beautiful leather I pressed the cup to my lips about to take my first sip

"ZOE, open the door!!", A voice yelled from the hallway outside, I could instantly tell it was Hamish though, he and I had been dating for around 6 months now but he's never gotten used to how late I always am to everything. If you were to ask him he would say the most annoying thing about me is how rudely late I was to literally everything.

"Give me one second babe" I say putting down my cup of coffee and sprinting over to the door, opening it to a very angry looking Hamish.

"Seriously, I mean seriously, I was waiting at the park for half an hour then I get a call from Nathan!, Nathan! Not you, Fucking Nathan!" He practically shouts at me. I just stare at him knowing at any second I could start crying, I've never coped well with shouting men, ever since I was little and my dad was always yelling at me for every single thing I did that wasn't up to his standards.

Hamish immediately stops and stares right back at me reading me like an open book

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to yell, come here", he softly says grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into a warm hug.

"I swear I don't mean to cry to get my way, it wasn't fair of me to sleep in then get Nathan to call you instead of me" I practically sob into his chest as he squeezes me tighter.

"It's okay all is forgiven, now how about you go finish getting ready then head to work, I'll drive you there because by the looks of it you are already late and can't afford to walk today", Hamish states as he pulls me off him and runs to grab a tissue before coming back over to me and dabbing my tears away.

Yes Hamish was the nicest man I had ever met, and yes he was quite handsome but something about him just didn't satisfy me. Don't get me wrong the sex part of our relationship was good but it was too nice, too safe, too calm for my liking.

I had read books about romance and danger which always made me so jealous, but I couldn't leave Hamish because of that reason, that he wasn't giving me enough excitement. It wouldn't be fair on him considering all he has done for me.

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