The Start Of It All

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I lean over giving Hamish a kiss on the lips before getting out of the car and closing the door, as I start to walk away I hear a loud beep behind me. I turned around to see Hamish rolling down the car window.

"I'll come over to your place around 7 tonight, sorry I won't be able to pick you up after work today" Hamish shouts from inside the car. I nod my head and give a thumbs up to him as I turn around hearing the car's engine start up and fade away into the distance.

Walking into my beautiful bakery always made me happy, it smelt amazing, like freshly baked breads and cakes. This place never fails to put a smile on my face and saying hello to everyone as I walk into the store always puts me into a good mood because every employee I hire I always make sure they are perfect and kind exactly to my liking.

"Hey there, you are looking gorgeous as usual", a familiar voice said as I turn around seeing Caitlin smiling wide at me. She comes up giving me a hug before giggling at me

"What's the matter?" I giggle back before looking down at my top which is now covered in self raising flower from Caitlin's apron she has on.

"Oh no I'm sorry Zoe, here let me clean this off" Caitlin insists while getting some paper towel and attempting to wipe it off but failing miserably.

"It's okay hun, I'll clean it off when I get home" I say trying to stop Caitlin from fussing over a minor thing such as my top. She steps back sighing, then stares at me like I'm a lost cause.

"Wait... have you been crying... I can tell when you have been crying Zo", Caitlin says before sighing again which then makes me sigh along with her

"It's fine, it was my fault, I was meant to meet Hamish and then... ugh actually it doesn't matter it's all good now", I say before putting a hand on Caitlins shoulder and forcing a smile to reassure her.


That day had felt like it was never ending, customer after customer it was quite a busy day in the bakery. I'm not complaining, I love people and I also love a booming business but today for some reason I just wasn't feeling too good.

I pulled my apron over my head and placed it on the rack before taking out my hair tie letting my long brown hair fall down my shoulders. Walking to the bathroom and looking in the mirror I notice the dark circles under my eyes starting to form, I put my hands under the tap and splashed cold water on my face making me shiver but hoping it will help me look more awake.

"See you tomorrow Zo, are you sure you don't need help closing up tonight", Caitlin said to me while being surrounded by a couple of other employees which were also done for the day.

"You go home, I'll be fine, but thank you for today you were a big help especially with the rush hour", I said smiling at Caitlin as she waved her hand and walked out the door with all the other members.

I couldn't imagine working anywhere else but here, with all of my friends and having myself as my own boss. I always loved being my own boss, I hated when people told me what to do especially when it came to important things in my life, one of them being my work.

Grabbing my backpack, putting it over my shoulders and heading out the door, as I get outside and turn around to put the keys in to lock the store I hear a loud burst of noise.

*BANG BANG BANG*, I quickly turn around forgetting to lock the door, staring out into the darkness of the road I realised it was later into the night then I thought.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag shocked when I looked at the time '9:35pm' , also seeing a heap of missed calls and messages from Hamish asking where I was. I must of accidentally hit the silence button on my phone sometime during the day.

Glancing up from my phone I look down the dark street again noticing there was no one outside at all and wondering where on earth that loud noise came from.

Just as I took a step forward in the direction of home *BANG*

Another loud bang came from the opposite direction I was heading, I turn around knowing it was a bad idea to go towards the scary sound but at the same time my curiosity got the best of me as usual...

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