Chapter 1: "Summer Day Begins"

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{ Y/N : Your Name }

Legoshi's POV

An anticipated shrill reflected across walls, stained ceilings and reared ears. Crowds scampered into a packed foyer, flooding out onto the sun beat clay. I hung back from the rest of the agitated students, as for I am just about 6 foot, looming like a shadow over others around me, bustling hordes were not my taste. After the last of feet beat onto the hall outside, i grasped the strap of my backpack and elevated as to almost hit the tiles overhead. "Have a good summer, Legoshi", the stumpy Ram, slouched over notebooks and flasks, boomed. My eyelids slouched with him,"Goodbye". The words carried a calm tone along with a sigh of exhaust. Summer, a highly excitable break for the freshman, but a burden of empty days for Senior students.

Wafts of heat waved across my ears, taunting them with a unusual tingling feeling. The bright blue skies and cheerful people alike, the sight of them enforced a smile from my nose to my eyes. My legs carried me to my dorm room, shoulders to my ears and back almost touching the strands of fuzz streaming from my cheeks. The door slanted open when my fingers wrapped around the edge of the wood. Peering into the cement, block room, a sense of calm washing over my face. The place was small and nothing momentous, but it had a feeling of home i didn't get anywhere else. My backpack slither down my shoulder and onto the wood plank next to my bunk at the slightest tilt. Square-shaped shimmer glittered my pupils as the screen of my phone popped alive to a chime.

 Square-shaped shimmer glittered my pupils as the screen of my phone popped alive to a chime

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Today at 3:15pm : Meet at the Northside Park in 20????

I scoffed humorously, Spontaneous and badly timed as always. A sigh then let out as to acknowledge i'd only just sat down 2 minutes before to then lift myself back up to switch out of my uniform. I unbuttoned my shirts and laid them aptly over the chair at my desk. Slipped a red t-shirt over my ears and snout, it always messed the longer furs that stranded out of place doing this. The comb on my desk was grasped promptly to smooth the tangles, the bristles tugging to the mess. Another sigh escaped through my snout, the process was exhausting.

I roamed hastily to the North-Side Park to make our time arrangement, only to find my extra effort well frankly extraneous as no lively golden retriever had even showed up yet. I looked down to the time on my phone, 3:40pm . As i glanced at the surroundings, i noticed no people in uniform. It hit me then that uniforms were now hoarded away mercilessly into wardrobes for the next lasting 10 weeks. So this is really beginning, break, free of the stress of examination and dorm work.. Well still cleaning to be done i suppose. I wonder what i will fill my days with..maybe gardening? Hit the gym more often. Maybe even go into the big city and roam.

"Legoshi..? Legoshi are you there?". My consciousness snapped back into reality, to see a snowy hand waving to my chest and a squeaky speaker attempting to gain my ever phasing focus. I knelt down to the grubble so i could look ahead of me, and her and I's eyes would lock into each others. "Oh. Hi Haru", my face lifted and the disappointment of jack's unarrival started to phase into thankfulness. "Ha. First day of summer. What are your plans Legoshi? Are you going away?", she asked delicately. "Not for me, staying right here. Might do some sight-seeing in the city however".

"That sounds great, Legoshi. Maybe we could go into the city together sometime", her words slurred more slightly. I scoffed with a chuckle, oblivious to her possible advances, "Yeah sounds fun". She beamed. "Goodbye Legoshi". With a hop and skip, Haru made her way towards the passageway of the park. I perched myself down on a wooden barred bench and pondered. My face dragged from side to side, observing the friends and foes that passed my range of sight. 
Twenty more minutes of myself stuck in my own thoughts went by, Jack never showed.
I gawked to the screen.
Today at 4:10pm : I never got a reply back from you, You okay Legoshi?

Heck. My claws rested to the top of my forehead, eyes rolling back and a breath exhaling through the holes of my snoot. I forgot to reply to his text so say i was coming. Mind emptied of thought and phased out of the world around me, I stood and started slumping over the pathway.

My leg slammed into a mass abruptly, which evoked a breathy creak down below me.
"Watch where your going, Lanky". I shot my view down below me. The spunky Ferret stood, holding his knee with this mitts, which could only have been where my boot reach to kick him as i wandered. My ears shot up in a nervous panic, "Oh! Sorry there".
I was replied with a degrading sneer then the stumpy carnivore as it waddled absent.
Well that's summer off to a tremendous kickoff.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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