The Bride Of The Wedding

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 It was the time. When Arthur was about to meet the light. Leaving behind the dark shadows of the Alley forever. Alley was always a home for youth like him. Irrespective of the smoke, irrespective of the murders, the drugs, the drinks. Irrespective of the crime. Arthur was just an another youth who grew up hearing profanity words more than mother's lullabies. But he really was lucky. Lucky enough to be brought up by the old Harold. He did sleep to lullabies, well the lullabies were off tune. As Harold used to sing them to him, but the most important. Harold had made him morally strong. Independent. And just.

Very late, but still Harold understood what's the difference between life and the death. But his realization gave birth to Arthur's moral. Harold had carved a diamond with his failures as a husband, as a dad, as a citizen and as a human. But all his life, Arthur spent till now, was learning stuff like pickpocketing and helping in thefts. At times you know about everything what's going to happen. And that was the case with him. He was stuck in this loop of known events. He was stuck at the Alley. Stuck.

And finally, he was leaving his place. Like coming out of his shell. There was something in the air as he walked out of the alley that night. Something very different. The feeling of not knowing, the feeling of unknown. The strange thing about it was that it played with him. Teasing him. 

"Wait up Arthur!"  A voice boomed from behind. He turned to find Arnold coming towards him. He handed a old leather book in Arthur's hand.

"That's of the dead guy. He'd asked me to give this to you when he's gone." He said pulled Arthur in a hug and then disappeared in the Alley. Arthur opened the book, 

"Something's teasing in the air, isn't it? That's your first meeting with the Freedom." 

He read. Really? Can life be different? He thought. But first he had to find the lady. He opened the piece of paper with the address of the lady's residence. The men at the Alley were pretty good at tracing any young maiden's whereabouts.


"Dama! Where were you? We've been looking for you everywhere!" Lady Anne yelled at her daughter.

"Nothing mother, was out for a stroll." A tired looking girl walked up to her room.

"A stroll? The wedding's today!" Her mother yelled. But she couldn't hear those words of annoyance and disapproval of her mother. Only if Harold would have got a better crew... 

That's all she had been thinking since last night's visit at the Alley. Only if..

"Miss, it's time for you to get ready."  The maid looked up at the young face, which had lost all it's brightness, all the smiles. 

Should I stop fighting? Should I give up? Should I just get wedded off? She kept thinking.

If once wedded, I'll be ruined, I would die every single day. All the dreams I have would shatter.. She kept thinking. No I can't give up. I'll run away. As far as I can. No matter what. She had made up her mind. There was no turning back now. Beatrice, Harold's wife who worked at her house came in just at the moment.

"Dear, how can I help you?" She looked at her with tears in her eyes. What a sad fate. She thought.

"Thank you Beatrice, but no. I can do this." She said. For freedom. 

And she packed up her necessities in a small bag, some cash bundles and dressed in the bride's dress. As beautiful as a rare bird who was going to be shot and locked up in a cage forever. But this bird was a tough one. Would rather die than going to the cage. 

It was the time when her father held her hand and  walked down the aisle. A rich charming smile was plastered on his face as he looked everywhere. His daughter was finally getting married.

As he left her, all of a sudden the lights were all down. And as everything got back to normal when the light re-established. Everything was perfect. The wedding cake, the confetti, the guests, the flowers, the Groom. And the only thing missing was the Bride. Just the Bride. 

"Where's the Bride of the Wedding!?" Her father yelled in frustrated anger.

"I'm going to hunt that little imbecile down!" The groom yelled.

That's when they noticed a message on the walls.

I'll always fight for it. Always. Even if you took my life. ~ The Charlotte

"What's it? What is she fighting for?" The Groom asked.

"Freedom" Her father grumbled.

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