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At first there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. A complete and utter void of pure untamed energy. This energy attached itself to the first atoms that started to split. The two forged and fused into a creature. This creature took the form of what we now call, man! This creature, the man like being, was "born" with millions upon trillions of forms. It had many extraordinary powers. Although being extraordinary with extraordinary power , it decided one form would be its initial and default, or rather the trademark of "its" forms. Even though "it"was the only creature around, "it" decided that "it" was a bit harsh to say when pertaining to a life form when others came into the picture, so, a decision of "He" instead of "it"would mark the future of all living things. He and She would be based off the creatures main form, so that many formed creatures, such as "he" have a reference. His form, a male, the trademark, needed some adjustments. His power, the energy of the void, needed to be contained perfectly, If not, a mass explosion would wipe out all that existence. To continue the perfect containment, He needed impeccable mental strength, which was decreasing with his extreme constant aridity. So, he perfected his trademarks form, with the main attributes being his strikingly radiant pearly silver eyes and the silver fox hair, silver because of the raw power he contained. With a voice to speak "He" needed to perfect his power in a more refined way. His "voice" could cause destruction to all that was, is, and will come. His defining and refining took him longer than the human earth has been around. In his refining "He" decided he would "broadcast" his thoughts into the minds of others. In the void, of nothing besides him, "He" was lonely. With his Trademark perfected "He" had not a thing to focus on, Boredom was created. "He" decided companionship was needed.

Effects of boredom were many things, not only the loss in concentration, but a feeling. Unfortunately, the first emoticon ever felt , was loneliness. This intense urge to have company brought "He" to create the second being. His new found desire for companionship drove him to experiment. "He" thought "if I was created of this power, other beings and entities can be too!", Thus began his new found goal; creating a creature that will have half the capability of his power. The experiments were long, hard, and disastrous. "He" tried again and again, to transfer life energy to an empty slot, many times it stuck to his hands like glue, never leaving his grasp. After many failed attempts, he finally got a creature. This creature was created in his trademarks image, a twin of sorts. This "twin" was chatty, energetic, strong willed, and full of an emotion so strong and foreign "it" did the unimaginable, "it" named "He"! "The Twin" wanted to create a name or title, a thing to call "he", instead of he. "Twin" decided on a unique calling card for "He", a name no one creature will ever be able to say without feeling the one tremendous emotion many will come to know as, pride. The name for "He" that "Twin" decided was Aiónios meaning eternal or of the ages. For himself, "Twin" Decided Lucius Náid for zero light. For centuries the two existed in each others presence, with only one of the two thinking of more things to accompany them. One particular moment, Aiónios slipped up, he completely lost his concentration because of one foolish act Lucius's did. Lucius created another living thing, in human tongue, a god or deity. In an instant Aiónios lost control, mainly in what is called, jealousy. His power split, his perfectly stable form became unrationaly unstable, his atom separated, the "glue" holding his form together was ripped, a mass surge of all his power exploded.

This explosion gave Aiónios the perfect chance to spread out farther than ever before, he reached new distances, creating worlds, realms, times, and space. Even though Aiónios split into sub-atomic material, a small quick thought fused his atoms back into the trademark within milliseconds. The new god needed a name, a name gave not only tremendous power but assertion and belief. The gods name became Yahweh, based on the first thing he ever said, "I Am". Yahweh became a true God quickly, he made sons and daughters, forever known as the Angels, pure winged creatures with many images designed to love unconditionally and devote themselves to their jobs. Soon, many other Deities and Gods arose, Kronus, Gaeah, Rhea, Seth, and many, many more who created creatures in turn filling realms until one realm, the varietur realm or Earth realm, was opened, to not only the impotent creatures of Yahweh, the capable race known as humans. Creatures of all varieties, religions, species and types gathered to the planet of Earth, where humans rained since the Cretaceous Paleogene era. Humans set many marks and names for many things. Their names and marks have different dialects and meanings in what they call language. Each different language has a region or place of origin. These places and the creatures that live there have a certain pride for their land or customs that cause wars, battles, deaths and smaller creations.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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