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3rd person;

Pansy and Draco was coming up with a plan to know more about The Golden Trio."Polyjuice Potion?"Pansy suggested."Of course. Who gets to use it?"Draco asks her."Me, me obviously. We're going to get Granger, I'm going to take her clothes. And I will transform myself into her."

"Why can't I be Longbottom?"Draco complained to his bestfriend."Shut up Draco. We all know you wouldn't even TRY to transform yourself into Longbottom."Pansy laughed."Oh yeah? Watch me."Draco said angrily."No. I'm only making enough for 1 person, and that's me."Pansy glared at her bestfriend.

"Ugh, fine."Draco complained."It will take atleast a month to finish, so I suggest you start getting patience."Pansy smirked as Draco crossed his arms."Fine, whatever!"Draco walked out of the bathroom heading to the Slytherin dorms."Well, he's gone."Pansy laughed. Taking the potion with the progress she made to a safe place.

A month later

"Draco! Come here. It's done!"Pansy yelled to her friend to come down from the boys dorm."Coming!"Draco yelled back putting on his jumper that had a 'D' on it for 'Draco'."Did you have enough time to put pants on?"Pansy raised her eyebrow."No, I only have boxers on."Draco replied."Gross."Pansy whispered.

"Go put pants on Draco Lucius Malfoy."Pansy demanded as Draco got up to put pants on. Draco put pants on and ran back down the stairs."So, what do I need to do?"Draco asked Pansy."I'll go distract Granger and I'll get a piece of her hair and I'll get her clothes. You guard the potion."Pansy told him."Alright."He sat there guarding the potion.

Pansy's pov;

I ran down the corridors to where Granger always is. The library, luckily she was there. She sometimes isn't there."Granger."I hummed towards her, she turned her back to face me."What do you want Parkinson?"She questioned me, not so kindly either."Theres a secret book I want to show you, come on. It'll be awesome!"I smirked.

"How do I know you're not trying to trick me?"She raised an eyebrow."I just want to try and get along with the Gryffindorks. Come on, you'll trust me once I show you this."I told her and she looked confused but replaced it with joy."Alright, as long as you're trying to get along with us."Granger followed me.

"Before we go into the door. Put this blindfold on, it'll make you're eyes go blind. But if you touch it, it won't do that."I put a blindfold on her as we got to a broom cupboard door."Uhh, okay?"She said but it sounded more like a question then a reply.

She walked in and I knocked her out, grabbing her clothes and plucking a piece of her hair out of her head. I ran to the girls bathroom. Where Draco was with the Polyjuice Potion, I told him to take it there."I got it."I opened the door."Great."Draco smiled at me.

I poured myself a glass, put her hair in it, grabbed her clothes and slipped them on in a bathroom stall. I drank the potion and boy, it tasted nasty, I threw up in a toilet when I saw brown bushy hair coming down my shoulders, I ran out and Draco was still there. Shocked.

"What?"I asked him."You look exactly like Granger! The potion worked."Draco pointed out and I went to a mirror, he's right. I do look like Granger."Well of course the potion worked, you remember when that deatheater disguised himself as Professor Moody?"I asked Draco and he nodded.

"You also sound like a Granger."Draco told me."Really? Then that's perfect. I can know all Potter's secrets and report them to you, also all Weasley's secrets."I smirked and he smirked too."Pansy, what are you waiting for? Go!"Draco told me and I ran out to the Gryffindor dorms, shit. I don't know the password.

Lucky for me, Weaslette was there."Hey Ginny."I waved to her, man it feels weird saying her first name."Hey Hermione! I was just looking for Ron, wanna come with me?"Weaslette asked."No. I just want to get into the dorm, I'm tired."I smiled."Oh, I'll let you in, just in case you forgot the password. Like you forgot it in 4th year and once in 3rd year."Weaslette laughed.

"Caput Draconis."Weaslette said and the portrait called 'The Fat Lady' I think opened, I walked in and saw Potter and Weasley standing there. Why didn't Weaslette just come in with me?"Hermione! We were so worried about you! You've been gone for 3 hours!"Weasley came running up to me.

"She's been gone for 5 hours straight once Ron."Potter rolled his eyes."Oh, uhh, hi Ron, hi Harry."I nervously smiled."Harry was complaining about Malfoy again, I'm starting to think he's obsessed with him."Weasley told me."Ron, I've told you and 'Mione that I like him. More then a friend, did you forget?"Potter told Weasley.

Potter likes Draco? I can't tell Draco, this'll just ruin Potter's life."So 'Mione, what happened at the library?"Weasel asked me."Oh nothing interesting. I only read."I told him."Of course she did, nothing interesting happens at the library."Potter told Weasley.

"Oh by the way! You can't just change the subject Ron."I tried to act like Granger."Ugh fine, I did forget you like Malfoy."Weasley admitted."Good."I smiled."So, have you talked to Malfoy? Not insulting him Harry?"I asked him and he shook his head no.

"Oh come on Harry, he will never know unless you say something."I told him and he looked down."He'll reject me. And tell the whole school."Potter looked up."Well, he might do that. But there's a 99% chance that he won't."I reassured him."You sure 'Mione?"Potter asked.

"I'm sure. But you don't have to say something right away."I told him and I saw my hair going black and getting shorter."Well nice talking to you guys! See you later!"I ran out quickly and I saw a look of confusion on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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