Chapter 1

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        Another boring day at the office, I thought, putting down my bag on the desk. Being a journalist in DC wasn't always easy. There were always so many articles to write, people to interview, places to go...

        I decided to work on articles first, like I did every morning. I had to start an article on the government that was due soon. Government stories were always my least favorite to do. I never really did enjoy political things.

        I worked and worked for about an hour, with only coffee to keep me awake. Suddenly, my co-worker, Sarah, burst in. "You'll want to come and see this." She said.

        "What is it?" I asked.

        "You'll see. But it will make a great article, though." She walked out, and I jumped up and ran after her.  We went to the breakroom, where it seemed like most of the staff was, huddled around the small TV that we had.

        "So apperantly theres these big space ship things in ther air." Sarah whispered to me. "No one knows where they came from.

        I looked at the TV were there was an image of the 'big space ship things' -- if that's what you wanted to call them. They certainly wer huge, but nothing like I had ever seen before. The camera zoomed in on one of the ships.

        "It's so weird..." Sarah said in awe.

        Something caught my eye on the screen; a flash of light, like light reflectin off of metal. I looked closer, and noticed 2 figures - one in all blue, another in black -- on the ship. They seemed to be fighting.

        "Hey, there are people on there!" I said to Sarah.

        She squinted. "You're right! What are they doing? Woah, that one in the black looks like he has a metal arm!"

        "Seriously? Ya, you're right." I was astounded. A man, on a ship like this, with a metal arm? How was that even possible?

        Suddenly, there was a blast, both on the TV and in the distance, and the camera shook.

        "It's self destructing! Or someone shot something at it, I think." Sarah said. The whole office was in the room now, gasping at the event unfolding in front of their eyes.

        "Where is this all happening?" One guy shouted out.

        "It's over the Washington Monument." Said another.

        I grabbed Sarah by the wrist and pulled, pushing my way through the crowd.

        'Hey, where are we going?" She asked, trying to pull away. "We have to watch the rest!"

        "Back to our office." I said. "We have a story to write."

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