August Skies

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The August skies were something straight out of a painting. The cool breeze blowing through the willow trees. Almost Labor Day weekend, signifying the unofficial end of summer and the beginning of a less laid back life. At least, that's how it always felt.

I walked down the sidewalks in town, admiring the fireflies and smell of fresh waffle cones wafting from the mom and pop ice cream shop. My white sun dress blowing around. I was about to head down another side street when an older green jeep cherokee pulled up alongside me.

"Get in loser, we're going out." Lindsay replied, gesturing to her front passenger seat.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. I would question it, but this was nothing new. She was always finding a party or something to get into. I shut the door and buckled up as she drove away from town and turned down a back side street. 

"You look like little virgin Mary in that get up." She smirked, coming to a stop sign. 

"Yeah, well it's better than what people call you." I shot back with attitude. 

"Touche." She laughed her infectious laugh, which made me laugh as well. Lindsay and I had been best friends since we were six years old. She liked my cowgirl boots one Friday morning at recess in the first grade and the rest was history. 

After a few more minutes, Lindsay turned down an old dirt road. The one known to everyone as the weekend road. No cars ever went down there unless it was a Friday or Saturday night. It was surrounded by trees, filled with potholes, and came to an end at a beautifully large pond with and old dock. You could hear the peepers on a summer night like tonight. This was our version of 'going out'. 

There were a few people sitting on the dock. A few others were sitting on the tailgates of trucks. A small fire was started. Yeti and Igloo coolers were placed on the ground. Lindsay parked off to the side and cut the engine. Her long blonde hair swept up in a messy bun. Daisy dukes and boots. I was confident, but I don't know if I was ever that confident. 

"Are you coming?" She asked through the open door as she hopped out.

I sighed and got out of her jeep. I walked around the front of it to come up beside her. A tall guy holding a beer started to waltz over our way. Lindsay took some chapstick out of the back pocket of her shorts and ran it across her sunburned lips. 

"Pucker up, baby." The tall guy said, making kissy sounds. Lindsay grabbed him by the face and planted a big wet one on him. 

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Kolby wasn't a bad guy, but he was known for some trouble around town. He was a little rough around the edges. Drank like a fish. Smoked like a chimney. Lindsay was always off and on with him. It depended on the day and her mood. 

"Hey," He nodded in my direction. I gave a half smile and weak wave back. Lindsay looked at me quickly and turned around, following Kolby over behind his truck. I stood there for a moment before I recognized another familiar face. 

"Hey, Jack." I replied, walking over to a white Yeti cooler closer to the pond.

"Hey, Hannah." Jack stood up and gave me that mega watt smile. He pulled me into a tight bear hug. His cologne engulfing me as well. Dang he smelled delicious. He always had.

"Hi." A shorter girl, tight jeans and black tank top hugging her every curve said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Hannah, this is my girlfriend, Sara."

"Hi." I choked out. Jack was such a nice guy. Always willing to help. Always the charmer. How did he end up with this catch.

She latched on to his right arm and pulled him in her direction. Jack put his other hand up like he didn't know what to say and walked away with her. I stood there alone once again. As I spun around to see if I could find any other people I may know by the group of trucks, I was met by a pair of deep green eyes. They were hidden under a black baseball cap. I could barely see them. The silver rings adorning both of the hands around the beer reflected in the moonlight. 

Lindsay and Kolby came around the side of his truck. Kolby buttoning up his jeans quickly. Lindsay adjusting her shirt. Gosh, could they be any more obvious. Lindsay sauntered over to me and smiled. 

"Come on, let's grab a beer." We walked over and grabbed two Coors Lights out of a bucket filled with ice. Lindsay opened hers with her keychain bottle opener. I tried to twist mine. What a fool. This wasn't going to open like that. I wasn't much of a beer drinker, more of a liquor girl when I did drink.

"Here," The pair of green eyes let out a low laugh and put out his hand to help me.

That laugh was like no other.

"Thanks, I, uhhh tried but..."

"Not much of a beer drinker, are you...."

"Hannah." I said quietly.

"Hannah." He repeated, handing me back my bottle. I was about to ask him his name when Lindsay grabbed me away towards the dock.

"Come on loser, we're jumping in."

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