IX. Chapter nine

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So sorry about the delay. I had a bit of a writer's block and since adding a second University, my free time for writing has dramatically decreased. I simply do not understand numbers and logistics. Anybody good in marketing?

Also, I wanted to send a massive thank you to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! This book recently hit 1k (1 000 readers). I cannot believe this, you guys are amazing. I hope you all are safe and healthy. Those who are not, or their family member, friend has been infected, I cannot do more than to send my most heartfelt wishes of full recovery. Hold on and stay positive.


Angélique understood the disappointment in Richard's eyes when she told him they could not meet until later of the following day. She felt like a part of her was missing as soon as she let go of his hand after he had laid one final wanton kiss upon her lips.

To say Angélique barely closed her eyes through the night would be an understatement. She moved from side to side, never finding the right position. To add to that, she still felt the desire throbbing in her core. Her skin was tender in some places, and she was afraid her maid would see the evidence of her passionate journey home.

Therefore, she bathed and dressed before her maid even awoke. As she took off her nightgown, her eyes were greeted with large love bites starting on her neck, all the way down to in between her thighs. It made her wonder if Richard carried any of her markings. Mayhap, on his nape, where her nails scratched and dug in, as she pulled him closer to her.

Angélique shook off her thoughts as she prepared for her day with Rose. She put on a simple shirt, trousers, and boots. She was after all spending a day with her dear friend. There was no need for pretence and propriety. Besides, Angélique knew Rose would switch her noble dress for clothes such as hers, the moment she stepped in the house.

Angélique had her cook prepare breakfast, and later lunch for both of them, while her maid served it in the drawing-room. Angélique didn't have to wait long before her friend rushed into the house, gave a quick hug to Angélique, and was off to the room where her clothes were stored.

When Rose came back in her green shirt and brown trousers with matching boots, ladies broke their fast and made plans about their day. Before going horseback riding, they would have luncheon, and after getting back from the forest they ought to sit by the fire and enjoy some wine. But ere that, they planned to hide in Angélique's library, where they would spend their time until the rain ceased.

And that was exactly where the two could be found. An hour after they curled up in their chairs Rose took a deep breath and cleared her throat. Angélique rose her eyes to gaze at her companion. Rose was nervously fidgeting with her hands in her lap.

"Angie," Rose's voice was a mere whisper. "I am sure you have noticed the gentleman that had danced with me many balls back." Rose looked from under her lashes for confirmation. Angélique nodded and gave her a small encouraging smile.

Rose inhaled deeply afore she proceeded, "It was my brother, my blood brother." Angélique noticed as Rose shivered violently as those words passed her lips. Angélique copied her action. Only hearing of what Rose went through in her childhood was enough to understand and empathise with the small, delicate human being in front of her.

"Oh Rose," Angélique breathed in fright. "what did he want?" She asked Rose. For if her brother sought her out, it surely wasn't from the good of his heart. Rose shrank deeper into her chair as she curled into herself. Angélique got up and purred some tea. She handed the cup to Rose who gladly accepted. Her hands shaking terribly, almost making her spill the substance before, she set it back on the table.

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