chapter 1

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gigi's pov

beep beep beep

my alarm clock went off.
"jesus fucking christ" i yelled while burying my head in my pillow. i smacked the snooze button and lazily climbed out of bed. i groaned. "why the fuck did i take this dumbass fucking damn job"
i stood up and took off the clothes i wore to bed, i put on my uniform and did my daily makeup.

"damn bitch you look good" i said to myself. i grabbed a granola bar, a water bottle, and my keys and ran out the door to my summer job at the carnival.

after about 45 minutes, i finally made it. i sighed. i was honestly contemplating on whether or not i should overdose on my anxiety pills. i decided that tomorrow might be a better day to do so. i opened the car door and walked over to my booth. i grabbed a bag of chips and started eating them, not caring if anyone saw me.

"jesus it's fucking HOT OUT" i groaned. i watched the entrance for a second to see all of the other bitchy workers walk in, all smiley and disgusting. it's like they were happy to be here. i put my head down and hit it against the counter.

i heard footsteps walk up to my booth. i was about to yell at them to go away, but then they spoke. it was an annoying high pitched voice.

"hey, don't you have to pay for those," it was a very annoying voice. although i could've sworn i heard it before. i looked up and dropped my bag of chips.

"holy shit"

one goode time- crystal methyd x gigi goodeWhere stories live. Discover now