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At the freshers welcoming activity

Bar is leading the activity while Gun is sitting with the Bar's friend

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Bar is leading the activity while Gun is sitting with the Bar's friend

Bar- look down. How many people did I tell you guys to come?

Conversation between Gun and Miya Bar's friend

Miya- here is a water for you. Drink it. I'm shy.
Gun- thank you
Miya-  Actually I'm worried that Bar will faint. There are so many people. It's crowded in here
Gun- you guys take this cheering activity very seriously
Miya- we're so serious about this. When I was a fresher, I almost died. You know back then it was more crowded and all of them just left to join the prom king and queen competition in the end, not much people come to the cheering activity.

How about you? Are you done with all the activities
Gun- yes
Miya- so, who's the prom king? You or Beam
Gun- it's me. Beam doesn't want it
Miya- really. But I think no matter what you will win anyway. You are so handsome. Do you know that I always cheer on you? You are number one in my heart. There's only you
Gun- thank you
Miya- your welcome. No need to smile at me. I'm shy. Here he comes

Bar come and sit beside the Gun
Gun- are you tired
Bar- umm... I'm thirsty
Gun- here the water for you
(Gun open the bottle and give the Bar Bar drink the water)
Gun- if it makes you tired then don't do it
Bar- I can't skip the activity like you
Gun- your lips are so dry
Bar- Yihwa has a lip balm
(Gun take out lip balm from his pocket and give the Bar)
Bar- you also carry it
Gun- yes my lips are always dry. Here use mine

When Bar use the lips balm and return it to Gun. Gun said my lips are also dry then he also use that lip balm. Bar look at Gun and give him a shy look

Pond- Bar stop flirting now and go back to lead activity. Everyone is waiting
Bar- I didn't flirt
Pond- l can see that you did
Bar- he flirted with me first
Pond- are you sure?
Gun- I was the one who flirted with him
Pond- he is protecting you now. Come on. Let's go.
Gun- keep fighting
Bar stand up and go with his friend to lead the activity
After some time
Bar- next time there should be more people and be on time we're done for today.
Everyone one get up and started to leave. After everyone leave conversation between Bar and Gun
Gun- P'Bar I will send you home
Bar- it's ok. I'm going with Pond.
Gun- are you sure that you will hang out after this?
Bar- are you underestimating me?
Gun- no. But I think you're so tired already. I was so worried that you're going to faint.
Bar- I'm a man. I'm not weak.
Gun- I don't want you to go. But I have no right to not let you go right?
Bar- do you want to come with me?
Gun- yes
Bar- but you have morning class tomorrow, don't you?
Gun- it's just one hour earlier than your class
Bar- No. I have a class in the afternoon. You shouldn't come
Gun- I can come seriously. I want to go with you. Let me go with you
Bar- fine just come then. Let's go guys

At the bar

Pond- cheers guys
Tee-  I don't think I can
Yihwa- Doc. you haven't been here before
Gun- I came before but not that often
Bar- You're old enough to come here?
Gun- this is Beam's brother bar
Bar- you're using connection huh?
(Suddenly a girl came from behind the Gun and started to flirt with Gun)

"I'm sorry. My friend wants to know you more but she's shy" I girl said to Gun while coming close to the Gun she place his hand on Gun shoulder. "Can I sit with you for a while? I drank too much" the girl said while sitting on the Gun's lap and she started to move her hands from Gun's chest to his hairs. "Okay" Gun said with uncomfortable voice. "Can I have your contact? Or you can come and sit with us" girl said in flirting tone. Beam and Na entered in the bar "he's not available. Just leave if you don't want to be the cause of their fight" Na said while crossing his hands together. After hearing a statement from Na the girl stand up and leave immediately. Na and Beam settled next to Gun
Na-why are you so stupid?
Beam- Hello everyone. My name is Beam. I'm Gun's friend and this is Na
Na- hello
Neua- you guys are here. Let's drink.
Gun- you are taking my space said to Na and Beam
Bar- I'll move out then
Na- you don't have to. I can sit on his lap
Beam- you can't sit on Gun's lap now you come here and sit on my lap. Gun has a new wife already. You're his ex-wife now

(Bar feel irritated and jealous because first that girl sit on his lap, Na said he will sit on Gun's lap and Beam teasing Gun with saying Na his wife)
Yihwa- I wish that Lee are here to see this he will die right here
Neua- why?
Yihwa-he told me that if he can't have Gun, he wants Beam instead
(Everyone started to laugh)
Vee- it's ok even I want to puke too
Na- is he cute
Yihwa- I want you to meet him. I want to see his reaction when he knows that his husband-to-be already has man sitting on his lap.
Na- I always sit on their laps when there's no seat
"you're taking up my space"Bar said to Gun while standing up from his seat. "Where are you going?"Gun said while holding Bar's hand. "Going to sit over there"Bar said. "You can sit on my lap"Gun said while pulling Bar to make him sit on his lap.

"Damn you Bar

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"Damn you Bar. You just sit on his lap immediately"Pond said and everyone started to laugh. "I don't want to but there's no seat left. Damn it. I don't want to sit on his lap" Bar said while pushing back Gun who hold him on his waist. "You don't want to sit on his lap at all.. I can see it from your eyes. I know that you're happy"Yihwa said to Bar in teasing tone. "I don't want you to just sit on my lap but I want you to sit in my heart too" Gun said while pulling him more closer to him and tighten his grip on his waist. "Asshole"Bar said and blush. Everyone on started to laugh and drink

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