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Akira's pov

I sighed as Takanori woke up, “Oh thank god!" I bolted up & ran to him, “Taka! You're ok!" He smiled, “Hai." I pulled him into a hug, crying tears of joy. Taka laughed jovially, “Chill out, Akira, I'm fine." Kouyou walked into the room, blood covering his arms & dripping off his finger tips.

His eyes rolled backwards as he fell to the ground. I ran to his side, he's alive, but he's lost consciousness. A small nurse stepped into the room, “Sir, I'll need to take his body to--" Her eyes widened as a nail file was jabbed into her throat & was slid across her throat. The nurse fell to the ground, bleeding out.

Keiko snorted, “She died easily."

I narrowed my eyes at her, “You bitch! What did you do to Kouyou! And Taka & Yuu!" She smirked, “Well, I need to protect my baby brother from any harm. So, I'll just erase you impure little whores & keep him with me, forever. Where he'll be safest."

I picked up the pocketknife I knew Kouyou always carried with him. I opened it & hid it in a perfect position so that she couldn't see it. She took a couple steps closer to me, “All's I did to Kouyou was stab his arm, hun. And Yuu? Just stabbed him repeatedly in the stomach. And Takanori? Ah, I just put rat poison in his food. Unfortunately, the fucking doctors were able to take it out without any harm being inflicted on the damn midget."

I'm so ready to kill this bitch. Kouyou chuckled, “Stupid bitch, I caught that all on recording." She stared down at Kouyou, “Well, dead can't speak, so what would be the purpose of that?" She leaned forward, smirking, “Now isn't that right, little whore?"

I jumped up, thrusting the knife into her left eye. She fell backwards, screaming & holding onto her eye, which was now gushing out blood. I glanced at the blade, her eyeball was hanging on top of the blade. I flung the knife to the side, griping it harder, while the eye flew off. Takanori gasped, letting his hand fall to his mouth.

I ran forward, stabbing her chest, pushing pressure onto the blade. Her blood splatered onto my face, her expression was of pure anger. I pulled away from her letting the knife stick to her chest. I smirked at her, “Aww, are you hurt?" She rolled her eyes, “Oh shut up! You better take care of my baby brother! Because I will find a way to come back. I will murder you all!"

I got up & kicked her head, then continued kicking her head. Letting her face get bashed in by my shoes. A few nurses walked in, pulling me away from the barely recognizable body. Kouyou looked up at the nurses, “We have evidence that she tried to kill us!" The nurses nodded, “We know, we could hear."

The nurses called the police & took Keiko's dead body somewhere else.

I sighed, “Finally, it is done." Takanori nodded, “It's about damn time." The nurses had bandaged up Kouyou's arm & sat him down on the little couch in the room. Sighing, I layed down next to Kouyou. He wrapped his arm around my waist, “Tired?"

I nodded, “Definitely."

I'm glad that's over. She's too much of a hassle.

Yutaka's pov

Yuu pounded into my prostate while covering my mouth with his hand, “You're so hard, Yuta." His hands clasped around my cock. He began stroking it roughly. I screamed out in pain & pleasure. I never wanna loose him ever again. Yuu released his hot seed into my ass, but he continued stroking my swollen cock.

I gasped as I came onto his chest. I collapsed onto his chest, my semen mixing with the sweet on my body. Yuu kissed my temple, wrapping me in a hug, “I love you." I smiled, “I love you too."

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