Chapter 1

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♥Kayla's POV♥

I woke to the sound of my alarm clock blasting through my room. I woke and sighed to myself in frustration 'why the hell did I set my alarm clock on a fucking Saturday!' I mentally yelled to myself.

I groaned pulling the covers over my head along with my pillow hoping it would drain the sound of my alarm clock but failed. After about5minutes of moving into different positions I gave up, I threw my covers off of my body along with my pillow and trudged over to my alarm clock and yanked the long white cord from the wall.

When I heard silence fill the room once again I sighed happily and flung myself over to my bed, leaning over the edge I grabbed my pillow and blanket from where I previously discarded them and wrapped my self tightly into my blanket and laid my head down on my cushioned pillow. I closed my eyes ready for the sleep to envelope me once more but I was mistaken when I heard my cellphone start ringing right beside my friggin ear. The sound of the ringing scared me so bad I jumped half way across the room but not with smashing my head on the ground I cursed under my breath while moving toward my phone.

I picked up my phone and squinted so I could try and see the callers name I could barley see my screen due to all the sun filling into my room 'note to self: turn brightness up on phone' I gave up after about 3seconds of covering the screen and squinting I pressed the answer button.

"Hello?!" I yelled into the phone obviously irritated.

I didn't get an answer from the caller on the other end just the continuous noise of him breathing into my ear.

"Hello?" I said again.

No answer.

"Hello?'' I repeated for the third time obviously annoyed from this idiot not answering me.

No answer.

"Look i don't know who the hell this is but dont call me agi-" I was interrupted by a mans voice finally speaking up on the other line.

"You can't hide from the truth honey" was all He said before I heard a beeping sound from the other end indicating he hung up.

My heart began to pick up speed, I don't know why but I was scared all of a sudden I had no reason at all to be scared it was just a random phone call' sure there was some creepy psychopath on the other end no big deal, other people get those all the time...right?.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before walking back over to my bed and sprawling across the soft silky sheets I was too tired to worry about what just happened, right now I just wanted to curl back up once again Into my sheets and sleep the whole morning away. I closed my eyes and covers up in my blanket trying my best to sleep, but it was no use I was already wide awake which frustrated the hell out of me I guess that call messed me up more than I really thought, something tells me this whole day is gonna irritate me.

I got up from my oh so soft bed and slugged my way over to my dresser pulling open my top three drawers, I pulled out some clothes which consisted of a bra, panties, some leggings and my Abercrombie sweater. Walking over to my bed I crouched down and put my hand under my bed pulling out a shoe box I opened the lid and laid it by my side.

I pulled out the useless paper they put in new shoe boxes and to do what protect them to me that's a waste of paper. I discarded the remaining contents in the box and reached in and grabbed my solid white converses, oh how I begged my mom for a pair until she finally caved in because I'm just that good I sat for a few minutes admiring them until I decided to put them back.

I grabbed the top to the box and slipped the shoes back in before covering them back up with the lid, I picked up the clothes I had laid out on my bed and walked over to my bathroom. I stripped down and took my discarded clothes and threw them in my bin I stepped in the shower turning the nozzle and let the hot water run over my body.

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