I threw on a pair of black tights, a white hoodie and sneakers and tied my hair in a bun. It was morning, my mom and I had an awkward moment in the passage on the way to breakfast.
I feel bad that she thinks I'm angry with her but I hate apologizing and getting all emotional over nothing so I left it... For the time being anyway.
"Uh, hey mom," she looked at me like a lost puppy looking for shelter, "I'm just gonna go back to the Community Center, I.. I think I left my sunglasses there.""Should I drive you?" She almost pleaded.
"Oh no I think I'll walk, you know, clear my head a bit... but thanks." I tried not making eye contact with her as I slowly left the house. I know she's just trying to help and make the situation less tense between us but I don't want to have to sit through forced conversions all the way to the Community Center, I'd rather just walk. Alone.-
I got to the Library, a tall building, gray walls with a red roof and stairs leading up to the grand entrance. I saw Blake but no Jesse. Instead there was a guy standing next to Blake about the same age with blonde, curly hair and faint, blue eyes. He was wearing a black v-neck with a gray cardigan, gray jeans and a black beanie.
Blake was wearing a striped blue and white hoodie and jeans. They were both looking at the books on the shelves that reached all the way up to the ceiling. When I walked in I saw them nudging and laughing at each other, they seemed close.
"Hey, am I interrupting?" I tried not to sound too nervous.
"Oh hey Angela," Blake quickly straightened his face and cleared his throat while his friend just shook his head and smiled, "this is Trace, don't worry you can trust him, he's like my best friend." Trace extended his hand to greet me.
"Ha, more like his only friend," he winked at me as I shook his hand, "nice to meet you, Trace Bennett, at your service.""Well it's lovely to meet you.. Trace and good to see you again, Blake but I do have one question." I frowned.
"Shoot." Blake and Trace headed toward the door, me following behind.
"Why did you want me to meet you here?""Well me showing up at your house would've been creepy, plus I don't think your mom would like it very much." I follow the guys outside to what I'm assuming is a car.
"Well then two things... Firstly how do you even know where I live? And secondly I was actually talking about what I'm here for." I stopped abruptly behind them. Blake turned around to talk to me, face to face, "Umm, I was just kidding about knowing where your house was, its called a joke, you should try it some time." Again, the sarcasm coating his every word, "Also, I brought you here to show you something so hop in."
Blake and Trace both jumped into the front of the... car.
"If you think I'm getting in that sad, attempt of a vehicle, think again!" I yelled as I took a few steps back and crossed my arms to prove my protest. I know I was being sort of rude but I had to make a stand, prove to them that I was not just some girl they could order around."Look Angela, you need to chill cuz you've kind of been whining since you got here," Trace nodded in the background with a disappointed face, mocking the situation, "so you're either in or your out but I'm not going to force you." Blake said, turning the engine on.
I looked around as if I didn't hear a word he said and then rolled my eyes and climbed into the back of the vehicle without saying a single word, trying not admit defeat.
"Oh and this 'sad attempt of a vehicle' is actually called a 1944 Willys MB Jeep and it's been around here longer than you." He stated.
"Clearly." I mumbled.-
About an hour later of passing houses, buildings, farms, and forest, we reach an almost empty field. The only thing on this field of dry grass is an oak tree which we head toward. Under it is green grass and what looks like people.
"Where are we?" I question curiously.
"Tract 5." Trace smirks at me waiting for a reaction."But... we're not allowed here?" I questioned
"Well we're here now so enjoy it while it lasts." Trace said. On the opposite end of field is a mountain, probably marking the end of this tract. Tract 5.We get to the Oak Tree and the first person I see is Jesse. She gives me an eye roll and walks around the rest of the people to sit as far away from me as possible. Besides Jesse there are two other people here, a girl and a guy.
"Angela this is Lily Rush." Blake points to the girl with blonde, wavy hair, plaited in some sections and distinct green eyes. She wore a red dress with white flowers and brown sandals. I smile at her and she winks back at me before continuing with her business.
"And this is Tate Watson." Tate took a quick glance at me and smiled before returning his love-struck gaze to Lily who began to blush. Brown-ish-blonde, wavy hair and brown eyes. He wore sweatpants and a black jersey.
Everyone settled down in a circle on the green grass and continued on with what they were doing. Soon it got dark and we set up a bonfire before I told Blake that I had to get home. My mom would be getting worried.
"So what do you think?" He asked.
"It... It really is something else, you all, being friends and coming out here just to talk, with all this beautiful scenery to take in, I think it's amazing!""Well that's good because I wanted to ask you if you'd join us, be part of the gang, the Fix." He turned his gaze from me to the sky. I looked up too, to see the starts taking shape in the night sky.
"I don't know Blake, coming all the way out to tract 5 everyday? I don't think I can cook up that many excuses for my parents to believe." I looked down in regret."Really? Cuz I think a girl like you could use a bit more adventure in your life." He turned to face me.
"Well I did kind of tell my mom I was going to get my sunglasses... And I'm going back 8 hours later," I giggled, "I'll have to think about it."He observed me with his big green-brown eyes and after a moment of silence; "Well if you do change your mind or ever need to talk, you know where to find us... And just incase you don't," he grabbed a pen from his back pocket and reached for my arm, "here's my number." he mumbled through the pen lid in his mouth.
We got to my house, I thanked Blake for the ride and ran straight to my room. I read the numbers on my arm over and over as if I were trying to memorize it.
44 34587 -The Fix

Back To Terra
AdventureA young girl befriends a group of teenage rebels and embark on a quest to save humanity.