chapter 11

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"Good morning sunshine." Shen Wei is waked up by a hot steaming cup of coffee, prepared by the 'not that much of a cook' Zhao Yunlan himself. With a bright smile plastered on his face, Shen Wei drank the coffee trying hard not to spit it out. He knows better than not to disappoint the big smiling child that is Zhao Yunlan, who is now floating on seventh heaven for finally banging his love of life and for successfully making a coffee to relish his lover's spirit.

And in the office too, Yunlan is grinning ear to ear throughout the whole hours and even during the meetings earning questioning looks and glares from his subordinates.

With a sigh, Zhu Hong can't help but ask.
"What? Finally managed to get inside the pants of certain someone?"

"Shut  up you foul-mouthed snake eyes." Came the sudden reply with the characteristic eye roll.

And thus their days went by, with Yunlan nosing into Shen Wei's 'even little businesses' as if he is granted to do so, touching and squeezing Wei from time to time in light of silly excuses earning annoying glares and huffs while showering him with too much affection.

Truth be told, Shen Wei was also enjoying this attention even if can get restless sometimes.

However, this happiness lasted until one day Shen Wei received a bouquet of beautiful red flowers along with a letter.

At first, he thought it is from Yunlan who often went out of his way to surprise him with occasional gifts. But when he saw what is written in the letter, he began to sweat furiously. His heartbeat increased certain folds and he felt out of breath. He thought as if the world is spinning around him. He grabbed the edge of the table to stop himself from falling. Dread and disgust filled his mind.

The content of the letter read like this:

For my beautiful flower Shen Wei. We are going to meet again. I missed you so badly.

Your Cheng Xin.

Shen Wei can't easily forget this name.
His mind travelled back to events that happened before a year, which led him to end up in front of Yunlan's car.

That dark stormy night in which the last piece of his endurance was tested.
That day in which he decided that he can no longer suffer under Wilhelm.

# flashback

(A/n: the plot can get a little nasty from now on 😶)

Shen Wei was in the study when the doorbell rang several times. As soon as he heard it, he rushed to open the door because he don't want Wilhem to create another ruckus in the name of 'not doing it in time.

"Welcome home, Wil..."

He stopped midway when he noticed the two men accompanying his boyfriend. Both were investors in Wilhem's company. One of them he knew was Cheng Xin, who often tails him in his office and harasses him given the chance. The one to whom Wilhem owed most of his debts. And the one who ignited suspicion in Wilhem and one of the reasons for the abuse inflicted upon him. The other one was Wang Kai whom he hadn't met before in person.

The two men are leering at him making him extremely edgy and uncomfortable. He doesn't feel anything good about these two visiting at this hour.

"Well well well, Wilhelm. When you said you have a pretty boyfriend at home, I didn't think he would be this much beautiful. Just looking at him can give me a hard-on, hahaha..." Wang Kai said while approaching to grab his chin. Shen Wei felt immediate disgust. Slapping his hands away, he turned towards Wilhelm.

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