Chapter 15

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Vernon threw two charms up and called upon his shikigami. Two large and bulky beings came out with a menacing look. They had pale blue and red skin each and both wielded a metal club that looked menacing to face.

"The two ogre brothers, I wouldn't ask for anything less!"

Vergil gave a quick chant and ropes made out of light came out rapidly from the ground, entangling them both. He grinned and the space around the ogres exploded, causing another pile of black smoke around.

A figure came flying out from the smoke and charm after charm was thrown.

A torrent of water as large as a tidal wave came crashing down onto Vergil.

Vergil quickly made a frontal barrier. The force of the water made cracks onto the barrier but it was still intact.

'Woosh' a charm from the edge appeared and a strike of lightning came ferociously at Vergil.

It was too late for Vergil to use his hands to form another barrier so he lightly tapped his foot which activated a charm hidden under his shoe.

'Thump!' A wall of earth blocked the Attack and a figure came above the wall.

"I got you!" Vergil gave a villainous smile and the place was lit up. An explosion like no other surrounded the entire area and even the parties that were fighting far away were caught up in the blast.

As the smoke slowly cleared out, a disaster of a battlefield was seen.

Bodies were blackened and burned all around, a gruesome sight to behold.

"Hahaha finally! The first of many! Who said I, Vergil can't compete with the other five star onmyoujis?"

"You're still green that's why."

'Bang!' Vergil was smashed and blown back hard.

Blood came out flowing from his mouth and his body still numb from the attack.

"Crafty old fox.... How did you survive that blast?"

Vernon chuckled "you don't get to my age if you don't have a few tricks hidden away."

"You're right, we should all keep some secrets." Vergil straightened his arm fully and a small pistol was thrusted into his hand.


A bullet shot off and it was too late for Vernon to do anything. It struck Vernon on the shoulder, barely missing his heart.

No matter how strong they were as onmyoujis, they were still human. Made out of blood and flesh, a bullet was more than enough for those who were unprepared. A five star onmyouji was no exception.

"Are you not going to yell how underhanded I was or something along those lines?"

Rather than a furious face, Vernon's expression was one more of resolution.

Vernon threw a charm that was dark red in color, his veins started becoming more visible on his skin, his face looked like he was straining himself.

"Come shikigamis!"

Vernon's red charm started multiplying at a rapid rate. One became two, two became four and four became a horde.

Vernon's strongest move, the horde of a hundred demons. The desolate burned area started becoming crowded and bloodlust that could make one choke filled the room.

Vernon pointed and the horde followed. Rushing towards Vergil with red eyes, the horde made the ground and cavern shake as they went for the kill.

"Do you think this is enough to bring me down? VERNON!!!!"

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