Chapter 22: Su Han his Father

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A/n: Sorry to those who got confused!
I thought i was putting chapter 23, when
Its actually chapter 22!!

They have no money at home?

When did you run out of money?

When did she say that?

Alas, it seems to be the case.

Su Ran remembered that it was the first day when she went to teach the piano in Song family. They had a steamed bun or a bowl of spicy soup for dinner.

So, Su Han is because their family is out of money, worried that they really want to drink northwest wind together, so they ran to the construction site to move bricks?

What about the injuries on his arm that he didn't want to show her just now?

Whoops, this villain is so sensible and so distressing!

In this case, Su Ran was ready to educate Su Han, but he couldn't tell.

"Where have you been at the construction site?" If Su Han dared to skip school, she still had to educate him.

"Within a few days, this weekend." This is the job of a temporary worker.

"Tell me, how much money did you make?" Su Ran breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Han didn't delay his studies.


The thought of being put in a drawer by himself and the two wrinkled money, Su Han's face froze.

I'm afraid I can't talk anymore.

He pursed his lips and Su Han said nothing.

Seeing Su Han's appearance, Su Ran knew it.

"Su Han." Su Su suddenly became serious.

"Before two days, there was a little economic crisis in our family, but that was only temporary. I am a parent and I am an adult, so making money to support you is my job and responsibility, and you", paused, Su Ran said, "All you have to do is study hard."

"You see, you don't study hard, you can only move bricks to the construction site in the future. Not only is it hard and the income is small. If you study hard, you may be a big boss in the future." Su Ran said.

Although, knowing that she does not need to say, according to the development of the plot, Su Han will also become a big boss in more than ten years, but Su Ran feels that she still has to do her duty as a parent.

"Ah, of course." In a lighter tone, Su Ran said again, "The most important reason is that our family is rich now. You see, today we have paid 400,000 in just one day. Wait for that. After ten songs, you are Kang II. "

The second generation of a well-off family.

Su Ran's words made Su Han silent.

Thinking that today this woman just sold two songs and earned 40w, Su Han still feels unreal.

The main untrue is that I feel that this ability is not like that of Su Ran.

"Then why did you go?" Su Han finally asked after a moment of silence.

Now that you can make money like this, why did you do that kind of work before ...

Su Ran :!

It's unbelievable torture.

She is so clever at home, is she still a little unhappy?

"How do you say ..." These are all the evils made by your mother-in-law. If you want to blame, you can blame the plot.

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