Chapter 1 Reunion

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Lately he was having a dream that he couldn't remember when he woke up. The one thing that he can remember is this haunting music that always reverberates in the air, a music that he didn't recognize. And that's a big thing, since he loves music and even now starting to make a name for himself as a composer. But try as he might, he only remembered bits and pieces of the music in his dream, unable to piece the whole song. Why did that dream kept repeating itself? Is there something that I need to know, or a premonition? Whatever that is, this dream always left him with a longing so deep his heart ache with it. But what is it?

The ringing of the alarm clock jerked him from his musing, and with a sigh he got off his bed to start his day. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Lan Wangji started to prepare his breakfast and his boxed lunch. Although his name starting to get around, his income is still unreliable so he had to rent a studio to do his work. After he saved up some money, he planned to move to a bigger apartment, complete with a mini studio. But for now, he had to make do with what he had.

Since the studio is not quite far, usually Wangji rode his bicycle there, or walk when he felt the need to exercise a bit. And on the way, he frequently stopped at a different food stall or store each time, to buy some snacks or side dishes for his lunch. Today he was planning to buy some cakes since he was expecting some guests in the studio. But when he arrived at the cake store, the place was closed. He went next door to a bakery to ask if they know what happened there. I turned out that the wife of the cake store owner was having her baby late last night, so the store will be closed until the weekend. After some consideration, Wangji decided to buy some fancy bread to serve his guests, since he don't have any other options on his way to the studio, and he hated went out of his way just to buy some snacks.

The day went by very quickly, and at three the guests arrived. This will be the first time Wangji met with them. One is a well-known music producer, and the other is an up-and-coming director that was famous for his first TV series, a remake of Journey to the West but with a modern twist. According to the e-mail he received, the two distinguished guests wants to meet with him to discuss a new project. He was excited and nervous at the same time. He never had any project in this caliber, if everything went well, this will be a huge step for his career.

Although there's still about an hour before the appointment, he couldn't focus on his work anymore, so instead he prepared everything that he needs to entertain his guest—breads: checked, cake plates: checked, napkins: checked, tea: checked, glasses: che... oh no, the glasses! Wangji forgot about the glasses. He quickly ran to the the studio's mini kitchen and rummaging the cupboards, trying to find clean, matching glasses. He finally unearthed a set of teacups then washed and dried them quickly before putting it on the table. Now he only needed to brew the water for the tea and everything is complete. He sighed, relieved.

Not long after that, the doorbell rang, and Lan Wangji stood up, taking a deep breath to steady himself. But that breath was whooshed out again when he saw the person standing in front of his door.


Even this morning, his agent had called him again to remind him of the appointment, so he won't forget. "This is very important. This could make or break your career. I've sent the address and the location to your phone, so you won't have any trouble finding it. Please, please, mind your manners. We're dealing with the bigwigs here, and the composer had also produced a few great songs. Don't ruin this, okay. It's for your own good too," explained Jiang Yanli, his agent, to him.

Wei Wuxian didn't want to disappoint Ms. Yanli, she's the one that spotted his talent on the streets and recruited him into her talent agency. Although still young, Ms. Yanli had a natural ability to see any unpolished gem, and had turned three other people into, well, not stardom, but definitely successful actors. He's the first singer she found, and she determined to find the right people and the right song to put Wuxian into the spotlight.

But she also knows about his weakness—his inability to curb his impulses. That was why the reminder and warning was rolled into one. He'd better do what she wants to spare his ears from her nagging. And that's why he was rushing from his apartment to catch the train. If he missed this one, he'll be late for this appointment.

After safely got in the train, with seconds to spare, he started to refresh his memory about who he's going to meet. First, the music director, Jiang Fengmian. Although have the same family name as Miss Yanli, they were only distantly related. Mr. Fengmian was famous for his golden touch. Any movies, television series, or musical in which he took part as a music director, is always went to become a box office hit. The second man is Nie Huaisang, a director who recently won an award for his work, titled simply "Reunion".

Lastly, Lan Wangji, the songwriter. Not much info about him beside that he graduated from university with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, majoring in Music with art history as his minor. But Wuxian also found out that Mr. Wangji was not much older than he is, so he was hoping they can connect more easily. One can always hope, right?

He still drew blank about the project that they will be working with. Ms. Yanli didn't say anything about it. Maybe she didn't know also? But whatever it is, it's definitely big and interesting. He doubted Mr. Fengmian and Mr. Huaisang agreed to join this project if it was just a regular show. The problem is, why do they choose him? He's a newcomer, never got involved in any large projects, and his background was sketchy at best. At twenty years old, Wuxian only attended the mandatory school. He graduated from a regular high school and went to a vocational school as a music technician, but dropped out in his second year because the curriculum was boring. He then spent his time working several part-time jobs and filled his free time with people watching or singing in parks, where he was finally scouted by Ms. Yanli.

The announcement from the train's speaker jolted Wuxian and he walked to the nearest door, preparing to get off.

After multiple checks with his phone, Wuxian finally found the address. It was located in the suburb, not too far from the train station but definitely far from the hustle and bustle of the city. It's quiet here, with rows of pretty houses lining the street, and a large open field across the road. This area must be very expensive. I wonder how this songwriter can buy a house this pricey when he just started his career not long ago. After checking the house number again, he pressed the doorbell. The door opened and the man inside stared at him as though he was seeing a ghost.

"Uh, good afternoon. Is this The Cloud Studio? I have an appointment with Mr. Lan Wangji at three," said Wei Wuxian hesitantly. The man didn't respond, so he asked again, "Has the meeting started yet? I'm not late, am I?"

The man seemed to collect himself and replied, "Oh no, you're not late. The others haven't arrived yet. Nice to meet you, I'm Lan Wangji. Please come in." He ushered Wuxian to a small sitting room and said, "I hope you don't mind waiting. Feel free to take anything you like. I'll just be a moment." And he dashed out of the room. Strange man, Wuxian thought whilst eyeing the bread on the table. He was starving. He hadn't had lunch yet, and his stomach growled when his nose was filled with a sweet smell of the feast before him. Since Mr. Wangji said he can take anything, Wuxian quickly devour one bread, and then another. He was tempted to eat one more, but he didn't think his host will be very happy when he returned and found his bread was almost gone. Well, at least his tummy is satisfied now, and he can focus his attention on the important meeting.

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