original characters

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a type of fanfiction i tend to see a lot are the 'new character' types. what usually happens in these is a new character joins wherever the original show/movie/other is set (whether that's a dance studio, a school or a band).

now this is actually a really good idea and it works amazingly when it's done well.

the sad thing is a lot of them are awful. the main character is almost always a girl and she usually likes the hottest boy there.

the main female is usually very basic (the kind of person who probably listens to one direction) and 'bullied' by another girl from the show (who's commonly a genuinely nice character in canon).

anyways the female main character gets with the boy at the end, the mean girl suddenly doesn't exist and everything's okay blah blah blah

you might be thinking it's not THAT bad but it's been done so many times already. please, if you want to write a fanfiction like this, at least give your character flaws and depth instead of just making her 'nice'.

also this is more tns related but you would not believe the amount of fics i see about riley being 'shy and nerdy' and moving to a new school and meeting bAD bOy james. spoiler alert they get together. every damn time.

(most of those fics are from like 2015 to be fair)

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